  • 學位論文


A Study of Extracurricular Activity Learning of Tamkang University Students

指導教授 : 高熏芳


本研究旨在瞭解淡江大學學生參與課外活動的成效,包含心理調適、公民素養、工作職能、自我管理、人際交流等五個面向之學習成效;並探討學生不同基本資料變項在學習成效之差異。根據研究發現提出建議,以供淡江大學學生參與社團、社團經營、學校推動課外活動之參考。研究採自編「淡江大學課外活動學習經驗」問卷進行分層叢集抽樣調查,共發放1143份問卷,有效問卷688份,以最小樣本計有效回收率為73.9%,問卷信度Cronbachα值為.94。 本研究結果顯示: 一、學生參與課外活動整體學習成效帄均值為3.76,顯示學生參與課外活動整體學習成效良好。以面向而言,由高至低排序人際交流、公民素養、工作職能、心理調適與自我管理。 二、不同基本資料之學生在27個變項上對於學習成效達顯著差異,包含個人人口變項之性別、校區、年級、社團屬性、社團資歷、參與社團頻率、社團職務、參與動機、社會服務經驗;社團經營變項之負責人領導力、幹部規劃能力、社團氣氛、社團規章、社團目標、社團計畫、社團交流、多元社團活動與社團展示演出;社團之支援變項之指導老師、社團經費、軟硬體設備、社團活動空間、社團辦公室、社團獎勵、進修活動、宣傳管道與社團評鑑。 根據研究結果,本研究提出以下建議: 1. 對於實務之建議 (一)對學生參與社團活動之建議 1. 及早、積極並長期參與社團,爭取擔任社團職務並投入社團社會服務 2. 加強自我認識,依據個人需求及社團屬性選擇合適之社團 3. 加強學習管理能力,避免社團活動影響學業表現 (二)對社團經營之建議 1. 遴選具有責任感之社團負責人與幹部,有效辦理社團傳承與幹部培訓 2. 建立明確章程、實施多元社團活動、從事社團社會服務並與其他社團交流 (三)對大學推動課外活動之建議 1. 社團指導老師之聘任以校內具專長之教師為優先考量 2. 探討造成學生尌學與參與社團期間越長,對於學校認同度越低之原因,並與以改善 3. 持續推廣社團從事社會服務並舉辦相關座談或與成果發表 4. 持續開設社團幹部進修課程,將培訓對擴及一般社員與延伸課程面向 5. 致力達成各社團皆有社團辦公室之目標 6. 有效掌握社團經營,與社團保持密切之聯繫 二、對未來研究之建議 1. 研究對象上,擴大抽取樣本 2. 研究方法上,加入訪談方式,了解社團活動過程影響學習成效之成因;並針對參與社團學生之個人基本資料、社團經營與社團之支援在學習成效上之影響進行多方比較。 3. 研究議題上,探討不同社團目的在學習成效上之差異。


The purpose of this study is to investigate learning outcomes of extracurricular activity of Tamkang University, which includ mental adjustment, civil literacy, job competence, self-managing and interpersonal communication. Besides, the study analyzed the differences in learning outcomes among student demographic backgrounds. The results of the study provide suggestions for the involvement of the students, the management of the clubs and the Implementing of the college.1143 questionnaires were sent to the students who were participated in the student clubs. There were 688 returned with 73.9% of valid rate. The reliability of the questionnaire is .94 of Cronbachα. The conclusions of the research were summarized as follows: 1. The average degree of learning outcomes is 3.76, which means students have learened from involving in club. Among 5 dimensions, the priorities of learning outcomes are listed as follows: (1) interpersonal communication, (2) civil literacy, (3) job competence, (4) mental adjustment, and (5) self-managing. 2. The learning outcomes varied with differened demographic backgrounds, which included gender, campus, grade level, property of clubs, duration of involving in club, frequency of involving in club, function, motivation, experiences of service, president’ s leardship, cadre’s compentence of paln, atmosphere of club, club regulation, club goal, club project, communaction among clubs, multiple activity, opportunity of exhibition and performance, method of employeing club instructor, subsidy, hardware and software, activity space, club office, incentive, cadre training, approach to propaganda, and evaluation of club. The following suggestions were made for the future practice and research: A. For Practice 1. For student involving in extracurricular activity (1) Invelvement in extracurricular activity seasonably, positivity, and continually. In addition, endeavor to be as different cadre, and serve society. (2) Strengthen self-understainding, Choosing club upon needs and club property. (3) Strengthen self-managing of learning, taking account of both extracurricular activity learning and academic study. 2. For club managing (1) Elect president and cadre who is responsible. Besids, take over and train cadre efficiently. (2) Establish regulation, carry out multiple activity, serve society, and communicate with other clubs. 3. For Tamkang University (1) The internal employees will be in the first priority for club instructor. (2) Investigate the cause that the longer students involved in extracurricular activity and in school, the less they recognized the school. (3) Continually promote service society, and carry out seminar and achievements publication. (4) Continually deliver course of cadre training, and expand subjects and targets to all club members. (5) Build club offices for every clubs (6) Handle and communicate with clubs effectively. B.For future research 1. In terms of the research target: expand larger and more representative sampling. 2. In terms of the research method: qualitative research is encouraged to investigate the factors related to learning outcomes and learning process. 3. In terms of the research scope: the different learning outcomes which may be impacted by club goal should be further investigated.




