  • 學位論文


A study on the current status of integrated social studies curriculum in Taipei County's junior high schools.

指導教授 : 黃炳煌


本研究旨在探討台北縣國民中學社會學習領域課程統整實施現況,包括社會學習領域教師之課程統整發展、教學實施、評量、對課程統整內涵之認知狀況,及其實施時所遭遇之問題。為達研究目的,本研究以文獻探討及自編之「國民中學社會學習領域課程統整實施現況調查問卷」為研究工具,以台北縣國中社會學習領域教師為問卷調查對象,共發出292份問卷,回收188份有效問卷,回收率63.4%。 本研究針對所得資料,以spss13.0 for windows套裝軟體進行描述統計、獨立樣本t考驗(Independent-Samples T Test)、獨立樣本單因子變異數分析(One-Way Anova)、薛費法(Scheffe’)事後比較分析等統計分析。依據資料分析發現,獲致以下結論: 一、社會學習領域課程小組組織與發展: (一)各校大多已成立社會學習領域課程小組,且教師參與程度高。 (二)社會學習領域課程小組每學期平均開會次數超過五次,開會時間多在共同空堂時段。 (三)社會學習領域課程小組所進行之主要工作為「評選教科書」及「教學經驗交流與困難解決」。 二、課程發展方面: (一)統整課程內容之取材主要依據「教科書內容」及「社會領域課程綱要」。 (二)統整課程主題的擬定主要由「相關的學科教師」決定。 (三)學校主要以「原學科教學時段」進行統整主題教學。 三、教學實施方面: (一)「因應新課程趨勢」、「可促進教師專業成長」、「符合多元評量的原則」等,為教師進行課程統整的主要原因。 (二)多數教師未曾自行設計統整型課程,而曾自行設計者又多採「領域內的統整」模式。 (三)社會學習領域教師以未曾實施協同教學或以協同設計與資源分享,而獨自教學為主 四、教學評量方面: (一)教師進行課程統整時仍多採「紙筆測驗」、「學習單」評量方式為主。 (二)教師進行課程統整後,以「百分制」及「教師評語」之評量方式呈現。 五、教師對課程統整內涵認知: (一)北縣國中社會學習領域教師對課程統整內涵之認知傾向在中上程度。 (二)不同「性別」、「服務年資」、「學科專長」、「擔任職務」、「有無試辦」、「學校規模」之教師在課程統整內涵之認知上皆無顯著差異;然採不同「教學型態」之教師對課程統整內涵之認知則有顯著性差異。 六、教師實施課程統整所遭遇問題: (一)北縣社會學習領域教師實施課程統整時,感受困擾之程度為傾向「同意」。 (二)教師之不同「性別」、「服務年資」、「最高學歷」、「有無參與試辦及「學校規模」背景變項於實施課程統整時,所遭遇之問題上並無顯著差異;然不同「學科專長」、「擔任職務」、「教學型態」之背景變項於實施課程統整時所遭遇問題上則有顯著差異。 最後,依據研究結果,此研究分別對教育行政主管機關、學校行政、社會學習領域教師及未來研究提出一些建議,作為未來繼續堆動社會學習領域課程統整之參考。


The purpose of this study is mainly to discuss the current status of integrated social studies curriculum of Taipei County’s junior high schools,which including the development of integrated curriculum、teacher’s instruction、assessment、perceptions and the problems while implementing integrated curriculum. The researcher adopted relevant studies and theories reviewing, and the questionnaire of the current status of integrated social studies curriculum implementation as research methods. The target population for the present study is junior high school Social studies teachers in Taipei County。A total number of 188 effective questionnaires were collected. The questionnaire data was analyzed statistically by description statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Scheffé’s posteriori comparison through the use of SPSS 13.0 for windows. The major findings were summarized as follows: 1.Aspects concerning the organization and development of social studies curriculum team: (1)most schools have set up social studies curriculum team which with high rate of teacher’s participation. (2)The schedules of meetings are often held at common null curriculum over five times a semester in average. (3)Social studies curriculum team works more in selecting textbooks、sharing teaching experiences and problem solving. 2.Aspects concerning curriculum development: (1)the major contents of integrated curriculum are according to the textbook and social studies curriculum guideline. (2)The theme of integrated curriculum is decided by related teachers. (3)The integrated curriculum teaching time is arranged on the original subject teaching time. 3.Aspects concerning teaching: (1)responding to new curriculum reform、promoting teachers’professional growth、keeping in line with assessment principles are the major reasons why teacher adopt the integrated curriculum. (2)Teachers who ever designed integrated curriculum often adopted within the curriculum model. (3)Most Social studies teachers never adopted team-teaching,but they collaboratively designed the curriculum and shared resources,taught by selves,though. 4.Aspects concerning assessment: (1)Teacher who taught integrated curriculum often adopted written tests and learning sheets. (2)Teacher who taught integrated curriculum often adopted percentiles and teachers’comment. 5.Aspects concerning teachers’cognition of curriculum integration: (1)The level of teachers’cognition of curriculum integration is above average. (2)Teachers among diverse background variables,except teaching methods,the rest variables will have little influence on teachers’cognition of curriculum integration. 6.Aspects concerning the problems while implementing integrated curriculum: (1)The level of teachers’confusion while implementing curriculum integration tend to agree. (2)Teachers among diverse background variables,except teachers’ specialty in curriculum,job positions and teaching methods,the rest variables will have little influence on teachers’confusion while implementing curriculum integration. Finally,based on the research findings,some suggestions are provided for reference professionals for future research on social studies integrated curriculum.




