  • 學位論文


Individuation through Lymphoma – The Illness and I

指導教授 : 楊明磊


論文的前三章,主體「我」以自我敘說的方法,記錄其罹患「疑似 b 細胞型 淋巴癌」前後約三年的經歷,述及期間內在情緒心理變化,面對死亡之心情,以 及在醫院中與醫師及其他病人彼此互動產生之激盪及自省,並記錄病程中出現的 夢境及想像。 研究者在第四章試圖從「經驗我」所形成的「文本」作詮釋,並匯入寫作當 下因為文本產生而與現實生活應對而生的視角切換與相互交融之影響。「詮釋我」 以病人為中心,從「病中我」的視野往外輻射,以「自性化歷程」、「夢」、「象徵」、 「身體象徵」等為詮釋語言,透過循環反覆扣入、深化,進入主體「我」的潛意 識,試圖達成身體、心理情緒與靈性渴望之相互接納與理解。 在第五章,研究者回到當下之生活事件,將和伴侶間之互動,作為和「Animus 我」完成和解之象徵。同時,研究者發現其「與無意識相融之企圖」之模式,反 覆出現在親密關係、工作場域、及宗教性追求。透過看見這個企圖,學習「自他 分化」,重建主體性,再將之回饋在外顯的諮商輔導工作,幫助主體「我」,更自 在而謙卑的回到助人領域服務。


In Chapter 1-3, using a first-person narrative, author recorded the life experiences of facing cancer in three years. After being suspected to have Lymphoma, the narrator went through a healing process, including experiencing waves of emotions, facing death, learning through the relationship with doctors and other patients, and experiencing dreams and visions. In Chapter 4, author comes out of the narrative point of view, becomes the interpreter. With the light of hermeneutic, the interpreter sees how the I who on the text and the I who experiencing life emerge and co-influnce each other. Under patient-centred and using the language of hermeneutic phenomenology of Self-Individuation, Dream, Symbol, Body symbol, the I who interpreting brought the followings to light: 1)the four stages of healing process could be also the four stages of Individuation. 2)through the narrative process, the I who experiencing life gradually developed acceptance and understanding between body, mind, heart, and spirit. In Chapter 5, author comes to the present life where the reconciliation achieved between I and the Animus. Through all the events, author understands that she repeats a patterns of “ the tendency merging into unconsciousness” in all aspects of her life, including couple relationship, work/therapy, and spirituality. By the process of Self-Individuation, and integrating the projection from outer to inner, the I as a therapist can serve the clients with more easiness and humbleness.


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