  • 學位論文


A Study of Lee Chia-tung’s Intergenre Prose

指導教授 : 崔成宗


散文家除具備豐贍多元的學養之外,更應有高尚的人格情操和修養,才能在字裡行間展現卓越的人文精神,表現知識分子的道德情操。李家同便是具有此一特質的散文家,作育英才之餘,更積極投入文學創作領域。虔誠的宗教信仰、長年積累的志工經驗、悲憫而廣闊的心靈,成就了他文學創作的豐富性。敏銳而情感豐沛的文筆,道盡許多不同的人生故事。李家同的作品多聚焦於弱勢族群和人類生存問題,特別是他的小說體散文寓人生哲理於敘事之中,對於啟發人生智慧和散文藝術皆有其研究價值。可貴的是,他的作品引領讀者走進不同的世界,能以更包容寬廣的心看待世事。 筆者蒐羅各類研究李家同的文獻資料及其文章,以分析、比較、歸納等方法進行研究,而撰寫本書第一章〈緒論〉。欲了解李家同散文風格的形成及創作主題,必須知悉其宗教信仰、人格修養和作品有相容的關係,進而分析其創作技巧,筆者因而撰寫本書第二章〈李家同小說體散文的主題與敘事觀點〉。李家同創作頗豐,皆以小說體散文和社會關懷散文為主,尤其小說體散文對關注弱勢族群的議題更為深入,相關的創作佔大多數,為了探討此類散文的寫作藝術,筆者因而撰寫本書第三章〈李家同小說體散文的語言與藝術表現〉。除了關懷弱勢族群,李家同亦將關注焦點擴大至社會問題與人類生存的問題,透過作者深入的剖析,可以洞悉人類當前亟需改善的困境,筆者因而撰寫本書第四章〈李家同社會關懷散文的議題〉。條貫全書各章節之論述及其文學成就,筆者因而撰寫本書第五章〈結論〉。 本書全面探究李家同創作的主題及藝術手法,希冀能對日後繼續研究李家同及其散文的研究者或能有所獻替,也感謝許多前輩所撰寫之採訪稿及書評,提供筆者諸多寶貴的研究資料。


In addition to being well read, an essayist is supposed to have a noble character and be cultivated to express humanism and to exhibit the moral sentiment of an intellectual in his or her works. Lee Chia-tung is an essayist who has these traits. Besides his devotion to education, Lee commits himself to the field of literature creation. A pious faith in religion, a long-term experience of being a compassionate volunteer and a broad mind have lead to an abundance in his literary creations. Lee’s sensitive and emotional writings have told a variety of stories of human beings. Lee’s works focus mainly on the disadvantaged minority and the problems of human existence. His novel-style prose which expresses the philosophy of life by means of narratives is worthy of studying for its wisdom and the art of prose writing. Moreover, his works lead their readers into a different spiritual world and makes them deal with the secular affairs with a more open-minded attitude. The first introductory chapter of this study offers a bibliographical review of the research materials on Lee Chia-tung’s works. Chapter 2, titled “The method and skill of Lee Chia-tung’s novel-style prose,” discusses the relationship between Lee’s religious faith, personal cultivation and the content of his works and analyzes the skill of his creation. Chapter 3, the topic of which is “The characteristics of Lee Chia-tung’s novel-style prose,” investigates Lee’s novel-style and social care proses, the main concern of which is the issue of the disadvantaged minority. Chapter 4, entitled “The dimension of social care of Lee’s prose,” explores Lee’s concern for social problems and existential difficulties in human beings and his insights for the improvement of the human condition. Chapter 5, the concluding part of this study, encapsulates the ideas of the previous chapters and evaluates Lee’s achievement in literature. This study comprehensively examines the themes and methods of Lee Chia-tung’s literature creation and aims to make contributions to any future research on Lee’s proses. Appreciations are given to those predecessors in this field who have produced many precious relevant interviews and book reviews, from which this study is benefited.





