  • 學位論文


Cultural Communication and Community Construction: An Analysis on the “Champ” of Mackay Street

指導教授 : 許傳陽


馬偕文化的歷史即代表在地文化於特定時空中所發展出來的特殊觀點與分類,其獨特性源自於特定的時(時間)空(馬偕街)「點」所發生的文化現象,其發展的過程藉由歷史將這些在特定時空發生的「點」加以串連成「線」,並且在歸納的過程中與地方產生了意義與關係。藉由文化傳播的視角,本研究以馬偕文化的歷史流變為軸線,試圖尋找在地文化的定位,並且以Bourdieu的理論為主要分析架構,結合社區營造與新博物館等相關理論,企圖透過分析挖掘文化傳播於在地發展多元形式的模式,最終期望能歸納出文化傳播與當代生活融合的平衡點。 根據本研究的研究問題,主要探討的有三個方向,首先,即探討在地文化的特殊性何在,以及其促發文化傳播的關鍵;次之,則是探討在地文化如何經由文化傳播的過程發展出其獨特的適應性與包容性;最後,以行動者的實踐成果為分析切入點,討論以新博物館為媒介,如何於再現馬偕文化的過程中,進行文化傳播脈絡化與重新設定脈絡的過程。 本研究所使用的研究方法為「俗民誌研究法」,主要以研究者在研究場域中觀察到的現象為基礎,操作上則以非參與式田野觀察、半結構式訪談法以及文本分析法來進行。 最終本研究所獲得的發現為,文化差異雖然形成異文化於在地進行文化傳播的門檻,卻也同時促成其社會結構變動的可能;其中強勢的經濟資本是造成文化場域失衡的主因,應透過分析的結果來修正並強化在地文化資本的發展,以維護場域競爭的正向循環;而文化與傳播之間是一體的兩面,其於體現社會結構的同時也形塑著社會的結構。


The history of Mackay culture is representative of the unique point of view and classification developed under particular time and space, which distinguish Mackay culture as a specific “point.” These certain points are stringed up to form a “line” as local development take its course, which, through the process of induction, have established its own accord with the local community. This study, via the cultural communication perspective, sets the chronicle of Mackay culture as its paradigm, and aims at positioning Mackay local culture. It applies Bourdieu’s theory as its analytical framework, together with relevant theories on community construction and “New Museology”; by deforming and reforming the mode of how cultural communication interacts with local development, this study hopes to ultimately map out the balancing point between cultural communication and contemporary life. Three arguments are thrown upon and discussed in proceeding order in this study. First, how “Mackay culture” is proved unique and how it became key element that evoked cultural communication. Second, how, through the process of “cultural communication”, did local culture adapt its special compatibility and inclusiveness. Last, examining how “cultural communication” is schemed and re-schemed in the process of representing “Mackay culture” by analyzing practitioners’ results. Research method used in this study is “ethnomethodology”. It depends mainly on the phenomenon observed in the “Champ”, assisted with “non-participant field observation”, “semi-constructed interviews” and “text analysis”. The study has three findings. First, although cultural differences shape the threshold of local culture communication, it also serves as the enzyme for possible structural changes in the society. Second, hard capital is the main reason for unbalanced culture Champ; to tackle this issue, enforcement of strengthening cultural capital should be carried out, to ensure virtuous circle of Champ competition. And last, culture and communication is the two sides of a story; as they are influenced by the society, they construct the reality of social composition.


Cultural Communication


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