  • 學位論文


A Research on Effect of Financial Consultants' Turnover Intention by The Predicators of Personality Trait,Professional Commitment,and Supervisor's Leadership Behavior.

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 吳淑華


近年本國銀行相繼投入財富管理及個人理財中心業務,而財富管理最重要的一環,也就是負責服務客戶的理財專員。但因為市場激烈競爭造成理財專員離職率偏高。高離職率背後卻代表著公司招募和教育訓練等成本的增加,不僅影響在職員工的士氣與情緒,熟練員工的退出也意味著生產力和工作效率的流失。因此本研究即希望以組織行為理論中影響員工離職傾向之「人格特質」、「專業承諾」及「主管領導行為」等三個構面探討,來找出與離職傾向變項間的關聯性。 由於理財業務為金融業近年來新興業務範疇,探討有關理財專員之離職傾向之文獻較為缺乏, Holland(1985) 的性格與工作搭配理論中(personality-job fit theory)認為,性格特質若能與職業互相配合,工作滿足度會達最高,而且離職率會降到最低。 本研究主要目的在於探討銀行理財專員的離職傾向。運用敘述性統計分析、因素分析、信度分析、卡方檢定、迴歸分析、變異數方析、t檢定等統計方法來了解理財專員的離職傾向。 研究結果與管理實務上建議如下︰ 一、研究發現不同婚姻狀況者在專業承諾有顯著差異,顯示已婚之理財專業承諾較高,未婚者專業承諾較低,故在金融業者在挑選理專專員時亦要注意到婚姻狀況中已婚者之穩定性高於為未婚之理財專員。 二、主管領導行為對離職傾向有顯著影響,所以要讓好的理財專員穩定在組織發展,一個很重要的因素就是要有一個好的主管,不僅要能訓練及激勵部屬使其有戰鬥力,還要能建構一個讓部屬有參與感及歸屬感的工作環境,如此才能留住人才,因主此主管應慎選管理風格及作為,包括明確的要求及適時的鼓勵才能留住人才。


Domestic banks are diving into the market of wealth management and personal financial service one after another in recent year. The most important link for wealth management is the financial consultants that are in charge of customer service. However, the turnover rate of financial consultants is skyrocketing due to the fierce competition in the market. Behind the high turnover rate is the increase of corporate costs in recruiting and training. It compromises the morale and spirit of employees, and the resignation of senior employees signifies the loss of production and work efficiency. This study, therefore, intends to investigate three perspectives, “personality traits,” “professional commitment” and “leadership behavior of supervisor,” in the organizational behavior theory that have profound influence to the turnover intention of employees in order to find out the correlation with the variables of turnover intention. There are not many literatures investigating the turnover intention of financial consultants, as financial consultation is still a new part of banking business. Holland (1985) suggests in the personality-job fit theory that job satisfaction will be the highest and turnover rate will be the lowest, provided that the personality traits fit the job. The primary purpose of this study is to examine the turnover intention of financial consultants. Several statistics methods, for example, descriptive statistics analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, Chi-square test, regression analysis, ANOVA and t-test, are introduced to help understand the turnover intention of financial consultants. The research result and management practice are: 1. The result of study shows that there is significant difference on professional commitment by financial consultants with different marital status . Therefore, when recruiting financial consultants, a bank should pay attention that the stability of married consultants is better than that of single ones. 2. The leadership behavior of a supervisor has significant on the turnover intention. Another important factor to promise a good opportunity of steady development for good consultants is a good boss. A good boss not only can train and encourage his/her employees and make them strong, but also create a working atmosphere that makes his/her employees realize that they are part of this group and belong to it. This is how a company can keep a good employee. Therefore, a supervisor has to be careful with his/her personal characteristics and behaviors. Good employees stay for specific demands and timely encouragement.


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