  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship between Teachers’Discipline Styles and School Bullying Behaviors among 5th and 6th-grade Students’ perceptions of Elementary School in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 薛雅慈


本研究針對新北市國民小學學生知覺教師管教方式與學校校園霸凌之關係做調查,以問卷作為研究工具,並以新北市五、六年級學生為調查對象,選取樣本600人,所填答的資料,以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本t 檢定及皮爾遜積差相關加以分析驗證假設。 本研究主要發現: 一、新北市國民小學高年級學生知覺教師管教方式較常採用支持型與協商型管教方式,較少採用放任型管教方式。 二、新北市國小六年級學生知覺教師採用放任型和強迫型管教方式與校園霸凌行為高於五年級學生。 三、新北市國小高年級學生知覺女性導師較常採用支持型、協商型管教方式,男性導師較常採用強迫型管教方式。 四、新北市國小高年級學生知覺導師任教年資5-未滿15年較常採用支持型、協商型管教方式;導師任教年資未滿5年較常採用放任型和強迫型。 五、新北市國小高年級導師較常採用支持型、協商型管教方式,學生較不易遭受霸凌行為,高年級導師較常採用放任型、強迫型管教方式,學生較容易遭受霸凌行為。 六、新北市國小六年級學生受霸凌知覺高於五年級學生。 七、新北市高年級導師任教年資未滿5年的學生受霸凌知覺高於任教年資5-未滿15年。 八、新北市國小高年級導師採用支持型、放任型及強迫型對校園霸凌行為影響較大。 最後,根據上述的研究結論,提出具體建議,以供學校行政單位、國小教師及未來研究者之參考。


The study aims to explore the Relationship between Teachers’ Discipline Styles and School Bullying Behaviors among 5th and 6th-grade Students’ perceptions of Elementary School in New Taipei City. The study uses questionnaire as a research tool and 5th and 6th-grade students in New Taipei City as the research respondents. We selected 600 questionnaires from these 5th and 6th graders and analyzed the data statistics by descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, t-test and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation.The main findings are as follows: 1. 5th and 6th-grade students in New Taipei City percept that the teachers tend to be less permissive, and more supportive and negotiating. 2.6th graders in New Taipei City feel that the students tend to be bullied by peers if the teachers adopt compulsive and permissive disciplinary manners than fifth graders. 3.5th and 6th-grade students in New Taipei City aware that the female teachers more often adopt supportive and negotiating disciplinary manners, while the male teachers use compulsive disciplinary manners more. 4. 5th and 6th-grade students in New Taipei City percept that the homeroom teachers teaching 5to 15yearstend to use supportive and negotiating disciplinary manners, yet the teachers whose service year under 5 years usually adopt compulsive and permissive disciplinary manners. 5. The pupils are less likely to suffer bullying if the 5th and 6th-grade teachers in New Taipei City adopt supportive and negotiating disciplinary manners.However; the pupils are more likely to suffer bullying if the teachers adopt compulsive and permissive disciplinary manners. 6. In New Taipei City,6th-grade students whose awareness of bullyingare higher than those of 5th-grade students. 7. If the homeroom teachers’ teaching years are less than 5 years, their pupils’ awareness of bullying are higher than those whose teachers’ are teaching 5 to 15 years. 8.There are significant effects on school bullying behavior when the homeroom teachers adopt compulsive and permissive disciplinary manners. The research results were further discussed in this study and, according to the discussions, some suggestions were provided for school administrative units, teachers, and researchers.


吳銘祥(2007)。當孩子遇上霸凌。師友月刊師友月刊,第 479 期,45-49。
