  • 學位論文


Reverse Logistics Network Design and Planning for Waste Recycling- A Case Study on Waste Computer Recycling

指導教授 : 溫裕弘


綠色逆物流為綠色供應鏈最重要的環節之一,其中,廢棄物回收逆物流常伴隨有害特性,影響層面廣,逆物流回收網路問題複雜並漸趨重要,逆物流網路規劃必須考慮逆物流中心的相關區位、市場範圍與影響、逆物流運送之最適規劃。援此,本研究嘗試探討一系列逆物流網路規劃模式,包括區位選擇與網路運送規劃。 本研究建構廢棄物回收之逆物流網路結構設計與運送規劃模式,分為灰色聚類與數學規劃兩階段。灰色聚類用以進行逆物流區位選擇,包含回收廠、拆解/處理廠、再生廠和最終處理廠的地點設置,而本研究之聚類指標為運輸成本、固定成本和人口曝露風險。另一階段為數學規劃基礎之逆物流網路運送規劃模式,目標函數以總逆物流成本以及總逆物流風險最小作為考量,其中總逆物流成本包含有運輸成本、營運成本以及處理成本,總逆物流風險則為運送風險與儲存風險。另外,限制式包含考慮流量守恆限制、設施容量限制、設施數量限制、環保法規、非負限制等相關限制。最後,本研究以廢棄電腦回收為例,以驗證模式之可行性。研究結果顯示,廢棄物回收之逆物流網路結構設計結果與實務現況比較,驗證結果合理;而逆物流運送規劃結果亦可行。由於模式中所使用的參數具高度不確定性,而為了解當參數變化對於輸出所造成的影響,亦進行敏感度分析,其結果可提供逆物流運送規劃上更具決策彈性。 本研究探討逆物流網路設計與運送規劃模式,目的在於因應企業導入綠色供應鏈概念,輔助相關第三方逆物流運送業者在複雜、多變之逆物流業務流程下,藉由不同的考量,使企業在發展逆物流業務具決策基礎與決策彈性,並提供綠色供應鏈之策略規劃與決策支援的參考。


Green reverse logistics is one of the most important issues in green supply chain management. Reverse logistics is referred to as the process of logistics management involved in planning, managing, and controlling the flow of wastes for either reuse or final disposal of wastes. However, waste recycling often includes hazardous characteristics. Hazardous-waste reverse logistics may be useful for solving waste-induced environmental pollution problems that accompany high-technology industrial development. Reverse logistics network design for waste recycling encompasses decisions on reverse logistics network shape, the topological relationships among reverse logistics centers, and reverse distribution programming. This study developed a series of models to design a network structure of waste reverse logistics and to determine distribution flow for waste recycling. In the first part of this study, the reverse logistics network shape is designed and formed into a network structure by applying grey clustering. This study defines transportation cost index and risk index. The topological relationships and locations among reverse logistics centers are selected. Using grey clustering, the recycling plants, disassembling plants, recycling companies and the final treatment plants are chosen and determined. In the second part of the study, on the basis of the designed network shape (structure), this study proposes a mathematical programming model to determine the optimal distribution flows on all of the links forming the designed reverse logistics network for waste recycling. The main objective function is to minimize the total cost of reverse logistics as well as the total risk. The total cost includes transportation cost, operating cost and disposal cost. On the other hand, the total risk includes enroute holding risk and the site stock risk. Furthermore, the model is also subjected to flow conservation, capacity of facilities, limit amount of facilities, the environmental regulations, and non-negative constraints. Finally, a case study with a waste computer recycling is provided to illustrate the results and the application of the models. Sensitivity analysis is also discussed. The results of the case study verify that the models are practicable, and also provide higher flexibility on decision-making for reverse logistics services providers. This study demonstrates how grey clustering and mathematical programming might be applied to the reverse logistics network design problems and discusses many issues in waste recycling reverse logistics. In addition, it is envisaged that the results of this study may shed light on strategic and operational planning related for waste reverse logistics service providers.


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