  • 學位論文


The Exploration of the Entrepreneurship of Entrepreneurs with the Mental Model

指導教授 : 張仁家


創業精神是一種追求機會的行為,這種追求機會的本質行為表現於外是一種新的進入權,創業家為了建立新的市場、進入新的市場或是進入已存在產品或服務的市場所表現的新的進入權的行為,可能是創辦一家新公司、投資一項新投資或是公司內部新的合作投資,而「思考」為「行為」之前導,創業家產生創業行為的內在認知歷程影響著創業家的創業行為。 本研究目的旨在瞭解及建構台灣創業家發揮創業精神的思考,研究者藉由結合管理學的「創業精神」及心理學的「心智模式」之不同學門領域知識,探討創業行為背後的認知歷程,建構出創業家發揮創業精神之心智模式,以詮釋創業者發揮創業精神時的思考本質。本研究透過紮根理論之質性研究方法,以符合目標取樣及滾雪球取樣,深度訪談十四位創業年資至少三年半以上的創業家,描繪出研究者對創業家發揮創業精神之思考本質的理解,研究者以「創業家創業前創業精神」、「創業家產品觀點創業精神」、「創業家過程觀點創業精神」以及「創業家行為觀點創業精神」四部分為主軸描繪出研究者對創業家發揮創業精神之思考本質的理解,並建構出創業家創業精神之心智模式。研究結果所建構的創業家創業精神之心智模式為: 一、創業家創業前創業精神之心智模式由工作吸引力、工作價值觀、環境影響因素、自我效能評估所建構。 二、創業家產品觀點的創業精神之心智模式由四大部分所構成:(一)技術創新之心智模式由核心技術創新、運作方式、創造新價值所建構;(二)產品創新之心智模式由產品創新、運作方式及創造新價值所建構;(三)服務創新之心智模式由服務創新、創造新價值所建構;(四)顧客導向之心智模式由察覺顧客需求及滿足顧客需求所建構。研究者發現創業家在技術創新及產品創新的運作方式相同;且因技術創新、產品創新、服務創新而創造新價值,並且發現具產品觀點創業精神的創業家創新發想的原點及終點皆導向顧客需求。 三、創業家過程觀點的創業精神之心智模式由企業經營策略、組織變革及改造、跨組織溝通、創造新價值、顧客導向及公司競爭優勢建構而成。 四、創業家行為觀點的創業精神之心智模式由創業家對市場機會的知覺、承擔的風險及承擔風險策略所建構。 最後,根據研究結果對創業實務、創業教育及未來研究提出具體建議。


Entrepreneurship is a behavior pursuing opportunities in the new market or existed market as if an entrepreneur presenting the new entry by opening a new company, new investing or internal corporate venturing. The thought before the behavior of entrepreneurship is an internal recognition process affecting the behavior of entrepreneur. This study aims to understand and construct the essence of Taiwan entrepreneurial thinking. Through the integration of entrepreneurship in management and mental model in psychology, the recognition process behind the behavior is investigated to construct the entrepreneurs‘ mental model in entrepreneurship and interpret the essence of entrepreneurial thinking in presenting entrepreneurship. A qualitative research method of the grounded theory is applied in the study to conform with focal animal sampling and snowball sampling. The in-deep interview with 14 entrepreneurs, who has started an enterprise for at least 3.5 years, describes the essence of entrepreneurial thinking in entrepreneurship from four prespectives, which are the entrepreneurship before starting the entreprise, entrepreneur produce-based entrepreneurship, entrepreneur process-based entrepreneurship and entrepreneurbehavior-based entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurs‘ mental model in entrepreneurship is therefore constructed as following: 1. The entrepreneurs' mental model before starting the entreprise is composed by working attraction, working value, enviornmental elements and self performance evaluation. 2. The Entrepreneurs′ mental model in produce-based entrepreneurship includes four parts. (1) The mental model of technology innovation is composed of core technology innovation, operating method and creating new value. (2) The mental model of product innovation is composed of product innovation, operating method and creating new value. (3) The mental model of service innovation is composed of service innovation and creating new value. (4) The mental model of customer orientation is by realizing and satisfing customers' needs. 3. The Entrepreneurs′ mental model in process-based entrepreneurship comprises of mangement strategies, organization reengineering, cross organization communication, new value creating. Customer orientation and company competiveness. 4. The Entrepreneurs′ mental model in behavior-based entrepreneurship comprises of the recognition of market opportunities and risk-taking’s strategic. Finally, practical and educational suggestions for start-up and recommendation for future research are proposed in the study according to the study result.


