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Literature Review for the Impact of Entrepreneurial Creativity on Business Model: Application of Text-Based Cognitive Map


創業家創造力以及經營模式都還是待開發的研究領域,本文嘗試以文本為基礎的認知圖分析技術(Text-Based Cognitive Mapping)建立以文獻為基礎的路線圖(roadmaps)。透過Nvivo系統的輔助,本研究一方面歸納彙整相關的構念系統,一方面清理可能的研究命題,最後再模型化成因果脈絡認知圖。文獻歸納發現此一領域的實證研究相當稀少,但是還是可以衍伸推論出可行的因果聯繫。文獻歸納也顯示創業家創造力可以由Sternberg(2004)的成功智能為基礎進一步予以創業領域特定化而成,經過創業領域特定化之後可以順利的聯繫上可彰顯的創業家精神表現,而創業家精神可以進一步延伸推論其對經營模式構念的影響。


This paper applied TBCM (Text-Based Cognitive Map) to make roadmaps of a vague research domain of entrepreneurial creativity and business model. Entrepreneurial creativity is unique to creativity in other domains (science, arts, music, etc.) Literature review showed that entrepreneurial creativity contains essential part and specific part. In essence, entrepreneurial creativity is some sort of Sternberg's (2004) success intelligence. In specificity, entrepreneurial creativity is characterized by its venturing connotation. By combining both parts, this paper made available a comprehensive constructs system. Consecutively, this research following TBCM to develop constructs node trees of entrepreneurial creativity, of entrepreneurship, and of business model in Nvivo system. Accordingly, this study derives a tentative framework to describe the causal context among these three main constructs. This paper found that there is a huge gap of empirical studies in this domain. Research literatures were dispersed and deficient, which pointed to clear evidence of the need of future research diligence.


