  • 學位論文


The safety prevention process management of steel activity at construction

指導教授 : 林利國


依據行政院勞工委員會歷年重大職業災害統計資料,發現營造業職業災害佔全行業之百分之七十以上,其中又以鋼結構作業是營造業工作場所之職業災害發生率最嚴重。雖然行政院勞工委員會及臺北市政府之勞動檢查機構努力制訂防災檢查措施,但整體而言,營造業重大職業災害仍有下降的空間。 近年來鋼構工程施工之現象有增無減,若不能有效防止職業災害,施工安全仍然出現營建管理之漏洞,因此鋼構建築物之施工安全值得重視,為有效掌握施工危害因子訂定安全衛生管理措施,本研究先鎖定鋼結構施工作業作為研究範圍,未來並可繼續擴充至其他類工程之研究,預期除鋼構工程外更可擴及其他工程作業之施工安全,進而有效協助降低營造業之重大職業災害。 本研究藉由建構『施工危害評估表』之模式及建構『施工安全防災管理措施』之應用,建構一個『營建鋼結構施工自主防災系統雛形』,可減少營造施工管理者處理勞工安全衛生問題之時間,促使業界重視防災及管理科學之重要性,協助施工安全評估政策之落實,以期能提升施工品質兼具安全衛生管理之機能,並可有效降低職業災害減少社會成本之損失。


From the statistical data for the major occupational hazard of construction industry happened in Taipei city during 1999~2006 is 70.2% of the total hazard. It was the most frequent occupational hazards in all industries. The study focuses on the safety prevention management in construction industry. It develops a convenient information tool for site managers or health and safety managers who helps to implement the safety management works at the construction job-site. This will also help reduce the occupational hazard for the construction industry and even reduce other occupational hazard significantly. The scope of this study is first on the steel construction works. In the future, it can be expended to other types of engineering works basedon the studing result of this research. The study first finds whether the current construction industry occupational labor inspection process is effective for reducing the hazard. Then to confer the construction safety evaluation of the construction industry is helpful to assure the construction safety and to achieve the zero-hazard goal. This study designs and develops a prototype steel construction self hazard prevention system to solve the construction safety problems which often occur at the construction site.


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