  • 學位論文


An Empirical Research of 4th Party Logistics Management Performance

指導教授 : 吳忠敏


台灣製造業獨特之商業模式,因應全球趨勢漸漸地建構為跨國供應鏈,因而全球運籌管理績效則為企業重要之營運指標,而第四方物流能力更是全球運籌模式成功之關鍵因素。然而目前國內之第四方物流業者中,何者真正具備第四方物流業者之經營標準,其經營績效關鍵指標為何?不足者應如何補強方能永續經營?為本研究之動機。藉此提供我國物流業有意發展為大型化、國際化之第四方物流服務業者經營管理發展參考之方向,間接提升我國製造業於全球運籌管理上之競爭力為本研究之目的。 本研究方式由文獻整理輔以專家訪談的方式:訪談專家共計十位,分屬四方物流不同角色中代表性公司之高階主管;先了解公司營運狀況及對四方物流之意見,後聚焦於營運績效之指標進行二次或多次訪談,歸納出適合台灣發展之第四方物流績效評估指標為六項。分別為:1. 物流服務使用者平均每筆出貨處理人時數。 2. 物流服務提供者平均每筆出貨處理人時數。 3. 物流服務使用者在途庫存天數。 4. 物流服務使用者及提供者貨物準時送達比率。 5. 物流服務提供者及物流平台提供者之聯盟於園區之廠商市佔率。 6. 物流服務及物流平台提供者之聯盟總體營業額。後以國內某第四方物流個案中心業者之實際數值資料,透過績效公式量化數值,並呈現實際案例之成果。 本案例結果,其績效指標均呈現正成長,此針對台灣物流業者整合型態之實際經營績效成長值,將對臺灣地區第四方專業物流未來之發展,提供其新興之整合經營模式參考。更希望能發揮拋磚引玉之功能,促使台灣之物流業者,對推行第四方物流之進行能有實例之參考價值。


The logistics ability is the key factor of how to set up an efficient optimization of Global Logistics Management of Supply Chains in Taiwan’s unique commercial environment. Therefore, how to forge the integration of the Fourth Party Logistics Service under the competition of the international logistics companies is the key factor of building up a supply chain’s business model in global logistics management. The motive of genesising of this research was focused on clarifying the standards and evaluating the management efficiency of the Fourth Party Logistics. And encourage the logistics industry to promote the strategic alliance, expand the global service items and promote transnational service. Moreover, develop into the merger type of the maximization, internationalization Logistics Service Providers. The Management Performance Indicator of the Fourth Party Logistics has been concluded to six by the literature review and assisted the interview with ten experts as the following: 1. The averge handling cost of each shipment for Logistics Services Users. 2. The averge handling cost of each shipment for Logistics Services Providers. 3. To decrease the im-transit of inventory for Logistics Services Users. 4. On time delivery performance for Logistics Services Users and Providers. 5. The alliance’s marketing share in science park for Logistics Services and Platform Providers. 6. The alliance’s revenue in science parks for Logistics Services and Platform Providers. Then, the research proved the performance of the real Fourth Party Logistics case study by the quantification data from the Performance Indicator(PI) formula. This research probed the real performance of integration logistics management. The growth rate of this new business model offered the reference for the Fourth Party Logistics extension. The result of the thesis will provide enterprises with the performance indicator when they want to put global logistics into practice. The suggestion to further researchers is to improve the performance indicator enabling it to reach its optimum after the alliance’s members increase and the empirical time extends to the economics scale.


9.盛曉嵐(2005),實作應用於逆物流的EPC IS--以A公司LCD TV 供應鏈流程為例,碩士論文,國立大同大學資訊經營研究所,台北市。
