  • 學位論文


A Study on the Tools of Stream Fishing Using the Taguchi Methods

指導教授 : 劉大昌


藉著溪釣釣具為主題,本研究為了探討影響溪釣魚獲量之關鍵因素,而設計了一個實驗並以田口方法來分析實驗數據,實驗的方式是以深度訪談的方式詢問5位溪釣專家來決定欲探討之要因,其中要因包含釣竿、釣線、魚鉤、浮標、鉛錘、轉環等釣具,並將上述之要因配置在合適之直交表上進行實驗,在記錄下實驗之相關數據後再應用田口博士所提出之堅耐設計來分析實驗數據,此外堅耐設計就是一般俗稱之田口品質工程方法,而堅耐設計之執行過程中,係應用統計上之實驗設計法並配合田口博士所提出之直交表來規劃實驗及分析實驗數據,最後根據分析之結果尋找最適參數水準並做成結論。 為了使實驗之結果較為精準,本研究之實驗順序採隨機方式進行,以及在滿足田口方法之條件下進行實驗,以田口方法找出最適參數水準後,再以迴歸方程式微調參數水準,期許得到更合適之參數水準,最後本研究所得之結果可供學術界之研究以及釣具製造廠商研發設計的參考。


Make use of tools of Stream Fishing for theme, this article in order to obtain influence Stream Fishing key factor, and designed an experiment and analyzed the experimental data by Taguchi methods, way of experiment to go, inquire by way that 5 expert decide reason of taking probed into to want, among them should include fishing tackles such as fishing rod, fishing thread, fishhook, buoy, plummet, swivel,etc., want, dispose in handing in orthogonal array carry on the experiment directly suitable, what employed the Dr.Taguchi in the field to put forward was able to bear designing to analyze the experimental data. In addition, the robust design that it is generally commonly called as Taguchi quality engineering. And robust designed to able to bear among the course, employ statistical experimental design and cooperate with the Dr.Taguchi’s orthogonal array and analyze the experimental data direct firmly, look for the optimum parameter level and make into a conclusion according to the result of analysis finally. In order to make the result of the experiment comparatively perfect, the experiment order of this research adopts the random way and goes on, carry on experiment under Taguchi methods, find out optimum parameter behind the competence with Taguchi methods, and then use Regression methods preface to finely tune parameter level, expect, receive suitable parameter level, the result of this research income is for the research of the academia and fishing tackle manufacturer to research and develop the reference designed finally.


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