  • 學位論文


A Study of the Creative Thinking Process for International Culinary Competitors

指導教授 : 張仁家


本研究旨在探討國際廚藝技能競賽選手創造思考歷程(包含準備階段的教育訓練內容、醞釀階段的資料蒐集方式、豁達階段作品的修正方式、訓練成效展現階段的廚藝表現) 以及選手競賽期間遇到哪些競賽突發狀況,如何克服。經文獻分析過程,將創造思考歷程歸納為四個階段據以擬定訪談大綱,再經專家修訂初稿內容。以訪談為基礎進行半結構式的深度訪談,系統性的蒐集和分析資料而得出結果。本研究主要是以2005、2007、2009年香港國際美食大賽(Hong Kong International Culinary Classic 以下簡稱:HKICC)得獎選手專業組三人,學徒組五人為對象,並依據研究主題將訪談資料整理分析,獲得逐字稿進行分析,研究結果獲得以下結論期能提供學校餐飲相關科系教育訓練之規劃作為廚藝選手之參考,國際廚藝技能競賽選手創造思考歷程須經歷下列四階段,針對學校與未來研究提出具體建議其具體結論如下: 壹、國際廚藝技能競賽選手在準備階段的教育訓練內容方面 一、選手應接受高職與四技之正規餐飲技職教育,以奠定深厚的專業基礎 二、選手應增加職場的工作經驗或設計不同主題之餐會活動,以增進烹飪的速度。 三、選手應輔以刀工、食物學與烹調法訓練,奠定廚藝創造思考能力基礎。 貳、國際廚藝技能競賽選手在醞釀階段的資料蒐集方面 一、選手應增加多元的廚藝競賽經驗,此為進軍國際廚藝競賽的首要任務。 二、選手應與同儕經驗交流分享心得,蒐集廚藝資訊不落人後。 三、選手應觀摩優良作品,體會醬汁的口味與外觀,學習蔬果風乾保色之技巧並確保作品具有立體感。 參、國際廚藝技能競賽選手在豁達階段作品修正流程方面 一、選手應運用構圖技巧,將構想具體化呈現於紙張或餐盤。 二、選手在廚藝創造思考能力方面,應藉由視覺、味覺與嗅覺方向融入創意元素。 三、競賽的作品係以「美味」為首要條件,選手需廣為蒐集他人品嚐的意見,據以修正配方。 肆、國際廚藝技能競賽選手在訓練成效展現階段表現方式 一、選手能於競賽壓力下確認競賽成品與練習作品的一致性。 二、選手能於激烈的競賽中,展現個人的廚藝精神。 三、選手的競賽成果將獲肯定。 伍、國際廚藝技能競賽選手競賽期間,遭遇之突發狀況可分為八項。 陸、國際廚藝技能競賽選手競賽期間,因應突發狀況的方法有避免過度整型與減少食材廢棄率等措施。


The main purpose of this research is focused on the creative thinking process of competitors from HKICC. Which includes: the designing of fundamental training program, collaboration of data collecting during preparation period, modification in mature stage, and culinary results presentation. The approach which competitors chose to overcome unexpected obstacles is discussed in this paper. Creative thinking process is concluded into four stages to design interview contents. Double checked by related specialists finalized the interview contents. In this qualitative research, The researcher use semi-structured interview in order to collect information. By using the designed interview contents The researcher have interviewed the 2005, 2007 and 2009 HKICC winners. By analyzing the results, The researcher came up with some interesting findings. These findings can be useful for future competitors. For training institutions and instructors, The researcher grouped these findings into six categories: 1. Fundamental training preparation and contents: A. Attendants should require formal vocational training through vocational high schools or vocational training institution. B. Attendants should acquire their practical experience via various banquets, functions, and activities. C. Attendants should pay more attentions on cutting techniques, food preparation theories, and specified program to assure their creative thinking. 2. Collaboration of data collecting stage: A. First priority: attend as many related competitions as possible. B. Observation other contestants is as important as communicate with them. C. After each and every competition, pay special attentions to winners’ projects, not only on their tastes but on their presentations. Think 3D, instead of flat 2D. 3. Modification stage: A. Visualization: picture the final presentation via drawing or actual assembling. B. Three basic criteria: presentation, smell, and taste. C. Taste is a subjective matter. Ask others for their opinions. 4. Presentation stage: A. Consistency: the final product should be identical to those practiced before competition. B. Professionalism: believe in yourself as a professional chef, think and act as one. C. Recognition: judges will recognize your effort as long as you believe in yourself. 5. Unexpected circumstances can be sorted into eight categories according past experiences. 6. Avoid “over-do-it” and do not waste your ingredients.




