  • 學位論文


A Serious Game Design Framework Study for Taiwanese Indigenous Cultural Heritage

指導教授 : 黃志弘


本研究試圖採用法國史學流派-年鑑學派(Annales School)中注重「時間與空間整合」的整體史、強調「經濟世界」和「結構分析」的特色;將之放進規劃原住民文化生活史嚴肅遊戲的設計架構流程中,並整合開放性學習理論及教學理論以作為遊戲設計時參考準則。在遊戲開發設計流程在資料層級階段(Data tier)以知識內容分類法(Taxonomy)的方式萃取出台灣原住民泰雅族的文化元素;在邏輯架構階段(Logic tier)經文化特質分析與歷史教育目的比對以確認遊戲架構及故事引擎的脈絡, 選定建設管理模擬遊戲(Construction Management Simulation) 類型遊戲來呈現部落的生活和部落經濟資源運作;在Presentation tier中將文化元素轉換成遊戲中使用者介面呈現。 在嚴肅遊戲建構完成後,透過進行學童的試玩體驗評量,評量結果顯示[原境泰雅]遊戲在提升學童對於原住民族生活史的學習動機和學習績效上呈現正面效益。故年鑑學派的理論方法整合文化歷史學習的設計流程,對於重建南島原民文化的歷史空間和文化脈絡體驗的嚴肅遊戲是可行的,且透過傳統文化理論、歷史理論、教育理論及跨領域專家意見的注入,能有效的深化遊戲內容和邏輯概念的豐富性; 本研究證實藉由民族學者、歷史老師、部落耆老和遊戲設計者等跨領域整合,訂出遊戲開發的教學目標和設計重點,並發展出原住民文化史的嚴肅遊戲設計架構,為一值得參考的文化創新模式。


This study uses the arguments and methods of the Annales School including the points of holistic space and time integration, economic world, structural analysis, and cross-disciplinary integration to design a serious video game that provides experiences of the cultural history of the Atayal indigenous people of Taiwan. The development of this game comprised the tiers of data, logic, and presentation. Analyzing cultural characteristics using Taxonomy and comparing historical educational goals assisted in constructing the game’s core mechanics as Construction Management Simulation game genre, and the context of the storytelling engine to present the cultural events and economic operation of tribe. Therefore, various extracted cultural components were transformed into in-game user interface presentations through design technique operations. Game evaluation results showed that the schoolchildren were interested in and satisfied with understandings of the game interaction and the transmission of knowledge regarding the Atayal culture. Empirical research has confirmed that developing of a cultural heritage serious game that reconstructs historical and cultural learning goals and designing details requires a comprehensive framework based on the participation-based opinions from experts in numerous fields, including anthropology, history, and game design, as well as tribal elders, enabled the portrayal of educable and enjoyable game related to indigenous culture.


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