  • 學位論文


The Study of 4PL Business Process Outsourcing Service Evaluation Model

指導教授 : 陳銘崑


在全球化競爭的時代,企業要創造競爭力,必須對上中下游供應鏈間有更全盤考量的思維來整合企業流程。隨著全球運籌發展的趨勢,更多的新興IT技術可以使服務無縫地傳遞,於世界各地快速地大量生產,並大幅降低成本。因此,許多企業於節省成本的驅動力下朝向專業分工,將非關鍵性流程透過企業流程委外(Business Process Outsourcing,BPO)給專業的第四方物流業者服務,其BPO服務能提供整合性技術及完善的供應鏈解決方案,不僅改變傳統的營運模式,更提升整體經營的效益。 本研究針對第四方物流及BPO服務等相關文獻的蒐集,探討第四方物流必須具備哪些能力及項目來提供BPO的服務模式。首先運用模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method,FDM)進行評估指標的篩選,經由業界專家訪談的評估指標意見達收斂後,再以模糊分析層級程序法(Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process,FAHP)計算出各評估指標的權重,以建立一個完整之第四方物流BPO服務模式,經由個案公司遴選做驗證,可以提供未來第四方物流在進行BPO服務時所需評估之參考依據。


In the era of global competition, enterprises want to create more competitive, they must more comprehensive considerations to how to integrate business processes between the total supply chain. With the development trend of global logistics, more emerging IT technology enables seamless service delivery, and in mass production around the world quickly, and further significantly reduce costs. Therefore, under the driving force of cost savings, many enterprises toward to professional services and tend to start business process outsourcing (BPO) their non-critical processes to the fourth party logistics services industry. The BPO services can provide supply chain integration technology and comprehensive supply chain solutions, not only change the traditional business model, but also improve whole business efficiency. This study will focus on fourth party logistics and BPO services and other related literature collection, what is the 4PL need to have the capability of providing BPO services model. The study at first utilized the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) on assessment screening of indicator by industry experts, and then use the fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) to calculate the weight for each assessment indicator in order to create a complete fourth party logistics BPO services model. In the future, the result will be able to provide fourth party logistics as a reference for BPO services.


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