  • 學位論文


Analysis of Infusing Environmental Education Subjects into Grade 1-9 Curriculum : Take Science and Technology Domain Textbooks in Junior High Schools as an Example

指導教授 : 劉曉芬


本研究旨在探討環境教育議題在九年一貫課程中融入國民中學自然與生活 科技領域教科書之情形。為達成研究目的,本研究針對96學年度(一年級)、97學年度(二年級)及98學年度(三年級)通過教育部審定之國民中學自然與生活科技領域教科書,包含康軒、翰林及南一版第一至第六冊課本,採內容分析法,以97新課綱之環境教育議題的五大學習內涵及二十項學習主題為分析類目進行分析,冀望了解環境教育在自然與生活科技領域教科書中之分布情形與實質內容。以下為研究發現︰ 一、環境教育內容量化分析 本研究結果發現三個版本所含的環境教育節數佔總節數的比例將近四成,其 中五大學習內涵方面,以「環境概念知識」及「環境覺知與敏感度」兩項學習內涵較能融入教科書中,「環境行動技能」及「環境行動經驗」的比例均較低。而二十項學習主題方面,則以「自然環境體驗」、「環境污染、破壞與人的關係」、「認識環境與生態學的基本概念」、「探索環境問題」及「生活環保」、「環境倫理」等學習主題融入教科書比例較多,但以「建立基本的公民參與機制和落實伙伴合作經驗」、「環境行動技能」及「動物權、動物福利」等學習主題最缺乏,所佔篇幅亦最少。 二、環境教育之學習主題的章節內涵分配 (一)環境覺知與敏感度方面 1.「自然環境體驗」學習主題在自然與生活科技領域呈現上題材多元豐富。 2.「欣賞自然之美」學習主題呈現題材不足。 3.各版本教科書在「環境污染、破壞與人之關係」學習主題上都佔有一定比例。 (二)環境概念知識方面 1.各版本教科書在「認識環境與生態學的基本概念」學習主題佔有較大篇幅 2.「探索環境問題」學習主題以「瞭解生活周遭和全球性的環境議題」為主要內 容。 3.「生活環保」學習主題各版本均呈現綠色環保概念。 4.「環境正義與世代公平永續發展」學習主題以呈現永續發展意涵為主。 5.「環境法規與政策、組織及國際公約」學習主題使學生了解環境教育相關法規 與組織。 (二)環境價值觀與態度 1.「環境倫理」學習主題強調生命中心倫理信念與生態中心倫理信念。 2.「環境正義與代間正義」學習主題強調世代的永續發展。 3.「環境權」學習主題強調人類應有享有基本生態功能的環境。 4.「動物權、動物福利」學習主題強調人類須以人道對待動物。 (四)環境行動技能方面 1.「環境問題調查」學習主題各版本教科書主要以討論或活動呈現 2.「環境行動技能」學習主題各版本內容方面呈現不足。 3.「規劃環境行動計畫」學習主題強調規劃環境議題。 4.「執行環境行動計畫」學習主題強調執行解決環境議題。 (五)環境行動經驗方面 1.「環境友善的行動經驗」學習主題強調學生須具備環境友善之素養。 2.「參與居家、校園與社區環境問題解決行動經驗」學習主題強調週遭環境問題的解決行動。 3.「參與探究全球性環境問題經驗」學習主題呈現全球環境議題之探究。 4.「建立基本的公民參與機制和落實伙伴合作經驗」學習主題強調學生的地方感 與參與感及合作經驗。 最後,本研究根據研究結果,提出結論與建議,以供未來教師選擇教科書和課程(教材)修訂之參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the current content of environmental education contained in Science and Technology textbooks used in junior high school. To reach the purpose of this study, the research was aimed at the analysis of the varied-version textbooks of Science and Technology from Volume One to Volume Six of three publishers which contained Kang-Hsuan, Han-Lin and Nan-Yi. These textbooks were approved by Ministry of Education for junior high school used. Analysis of the contents of the five constructs in the environmental education subjects of the Year-Nine Integrated Curriculum involved investigation of twenty topics used for the analysis of environmental education modules and distribution. In the study, the essential content of enviornmental education was investigated through the analysis of the varied-version textbooks. We detect the following points with respect to the analysis: I、 the content analysis of enviornmental education Our study revealed that the proportaion of enviornmental education contents in each company’s version tends to be forty percent. As for the five constructs of enviornmental education, most versions covered easily the construct of “enviornmental knowledge” and “enviornmental awareness and sensibility,” while “enviornmental skills” and “enviornmental experience” were the least mentioned ones. In 20 topics, most versions covered the construct of “the experience of the natural environment” and “the relationship between human beings and the enviornmental pollution and damagement,” “enviornmental and ecological basic conceptions,” “enviornmental problems searching,” “enviornmental protection in life” and “enviornmental ethics.” However, all editions ignored the three topics: “the participation and cooperation in the enviornmental activity,” “enviornmental skills” and “the rights and welfare for animals.” II、 the quantitative analysis of enviornmental education (I) Enviornmental awareness and sensibility aspect 1. The subject matters of the topic on “the experience to the natural enviornment are extremely abundant. 2. The subject matters of the topic on “appreciating with natural beauty” appear to be less. 3. The topic on “ the relationship between human beings and the enviornmental pollution and damagement” take a certain place in varied-version textbooks. (II) Enviornmental knowledge aspect 4. There are many charpters describing about the topic on “ the enviornment and the ecological basic conceptions.” 5. The topic on “the investigation of global enviornmental issues” focus on “understanding of the environmental activity in the locality and the global enviornmental issues.” 6. The topic on “enviornmental protection in life” showed mostly green concept of enviornmental protection. 7. The topic on “enviornmental justice and the sustainable generation development” expose mainly the sustainable development. 8. The topic on “enviornmental rules, policy, organization and an international convention” bring the realization for students to know the rules and organization for enviornmental education. (III) Enviornmental value and behavior aspect 9. The topic on “enviornmental ethics” emphasizes the human-centre ethics and the ecological-centre ethics. 10. The topic on “enviornmental justice and generation justice” focuses on the sustainable development. 11. The topic on “enviornmental rights” emphasizes the rights for human beings to share the basic ecological enviornment. 12. The topic of “the rights and welfare for animals ” focuses on the needs of sympathetic treatment from human beings. (IV) Enviornmental action skills aspect 13. The topic of “enviornmental problems investigating” is shown by group discussion or activities in each version. 14. The topic of “enviornmental action skills” is run short of its contents in each version. 15. The topic of “enviornmental action planning” emphasizes to map out the enviornmental issues. 16. The topic of “enviornmental action plans executing” emphasizes to work the plans out and solve the enviornmental issues. (V) Enviornmental action experience aspect 17. The topic of “the experience of the enviornmental friendship action” emphasizes that we need to show the attaintment of the enviornmental friendship. 18. The topic of “the experience of the participation in resolving environmental problems about one’s home, campus or community” emphasizes to act it out so as to improve the environmental problems around us. 19. The topic of “the experience of the participation in searching the global environmental problems” focuses on the investigation about the global enviornmental issues. 20. The topic of “the experience of buildind up citizen presentation and cooperation” aims to promote one’s experience about their local perception, presentation and cooperation. According to our reference survey and research results, we proposed several suggestions to teachers, publishers, Ministry of Education, and other researchers.


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