  • 學位論文


Parenting stress in parents with hospitalized preschool children:View of parents and nurses.

指導教授 : 張綠怡


研究目的:本研究目的為(1)探討學齡前期住院兒童其父母的親職壓力及相關因素,(2)比較父母親所感受到的親職壓力與護理人員所觀察到親職壓力的差異,(3)探討影響護理人員所觀察到親職壓力差異的因素。 研究方法:本研究為橫斷式研究,研究對象是來自北區五家醫療院所小兒科病房中,住院滿24小時的學齡前期病童父母親,及該單位的臨床護理人員;問卷填答方式以主要照顧者填寫「親職壓力量表--家長版」及「社會支持量表」,主護護理人員填寫「親職壓力量表--護理人員版」及「護理能力評估量表」;親職壓力問卷及社會支持量表採專家效度檢定,合適性的CVI得分分別為0.83及0.98,內在一致性信度檢定後,呈現的Cronbach's α為親職壓力量表-家長版0.92、親職壓力量表-護理人員版0.95、社會支持量表0.84、護理能力評估量表0.98。有效回收親職壓力問卷共計87對(97.9%),護理能力評估量表共49份,所有資料皆以SPSS 17.0套裝統計軟體進行資料分析及處理。 研究結果:學齡前期住院兒童之個人背景因素,與雙親的親職壓力分數並無顯著相關。學齡前期住院兒童雙親的親職壓力分數,因家長和配偶間的互動狀況不同,或社經地位的不同而產生顯著差異。(1)雙親與配偶間互動愈難溝通者,其自覺親職壓力愈大,(2)雙親無工作者,比全職或兼職者的自覺親職壓力較大,(3)雙親經濟情況沉重者,其自覺親職壓力比經濟充裕者大。在雙親所感受到的親職壓力與護理人員所觀察到的親職壓力並無顯著差異。不同的護理人員照護時,雙親親職壓力並無差異變化。研究發現護理人員的照顧天數會影響到其觀察所得與雙親自覺之親職壓力得分的差值。本研究有助於瞭解小兒科病房護理人員所觀察到的雙親親職壓力與家長間的差異結果有助於兒科病房護理人員提供學齡前住院病童雙親在親職壓力方面的照護與支持,亦可提供護理主管輔導協助小兒科護理人員增進各項照護能力之參考。


Hospitalization is a significant stressful life event for children and their parents. During the period of child hospitalization, parents bearing not only the caring responsibility but also the worrisome regarding their children’s illness response and resulting behavioral change due to the illness and hospitalized experience. The purpose of this study is to understand parent’s self-perceived parental stress while their child was hospitalized. Furthermore, to explore nurse perceived parenting stress of parent whose child was hospitalized. Research method: This cross-sectional study was conducted at pediatric wards of five hospitals in the northern part of Taiwan. Parents with a hospitalized preschooler, and pediatric nurses who were taking care of these children were invited to participate in this study. A structured questionnaire was used as data collection instrument. A total of 87 pair valid surveys (97.8%) were used for further analysis with SPSS 17.0 statistical software using independent t-test, ANOVA, Mixed model, and Pearson’s correlation based on designated research question. Research results: Personal background factors of preschool children, and parent’s self-perceived parenting stress score were not correlated. Parenting stress scores of parents with a hospitalized preschooler showed significant differences on factors such as the self-perceived levels of interaction between parent and their spouse, and on parental social economic status. No significant difference was found between parents’ self-perceived and nurses observed parental stress among parents’ with a hospitalized preschooler. Self-perceived parenting stress was not related to different nurse care takers. However, nurses’ observed parenting stress scores showed significant difference by the number of caring days.. Results of this study provide relevant information for understand differences between the parents self-perceived and nurses observed parenting stress. Pediatric nurses may learn from this study regarding providing the care and support on parental stress of parents with hospitalized preschooler. It is recommended that nurses administrators incooperate the result of this study while conducting traning programs for pediatric nurses on inhancing nursing skills.


