  • 學位論文


The Comparative Study on the Strategy of Leadership Style for the Religious Organization

指導教授 : 李弘暉博士


元 智 大 學 管 理 研 究 所 碩 士 論 文 論文名稱﹕宗教組織領導者領導風格之策略性比較研究 研究生﹕李純櫻 指導教授﹕李弘暉 博士 中 文 摘 要 領導風格是研究領導行為之表現。本研究是研究世界宗教之一的佛教組織領導者策略性領導呈現出的領導風格。藉由營利組織、非營利組織與宗教組織領導構面與策略性領導之綜合探討﹐配合佛教組織領導者星雲大師、聖嚴法師與證嚴法師三位國際級宗教領導人之個案比較研究﹐進行學術與實務之交叉印證﹐期發現宗教組織領導人領導風格之形成與展現之道。 本研究所獲之結論如下﹕ 一、本研究闡述佛教組織領導之定義、領導準則與領導模式。 二、佛教組織領導者領導風格研究必須由領導者共通性、宗教構面、以 及佛教組織領導人等三大構面著手﹐才能窺探其領導精髓與模式。 三、佛教組織領導者宜採行「整合型」領導風格﹐並因時、因地、因人的不同而採行適合佛教組織的十四種領導風格。 四、本研究就營利組織、非營利組織與佛教組織策略性領導進行比較。 五、本研究指出佛教組織領導者應有策略性的領導思考與行為﹐因此提出佛教組織領導人進行策略性領導之七大建議。 佛教教主、歷代祖師﹐以及今日的教團領導人﹐皆以其崇高無比的影響力跨越國界、宗教、文化、種族、階層﹐成為追隨者的學習典範﹐其威德、無私奉獻、大愛、大慈大悲、橫遍十方豎窮三際之領導風格﹐呈現了領導的最高境界﹐是今日領導者最佳的學習典範。 關鍵字﹕宗教組織、佛教、領導者、領導風格、策略性領導


Graduate School of Management, Yuan Ze University Master’s Thesis The Comparative Study on the Strategy of Leadership Style for the Religious Organization The leadership style is the expression of leader’s behavior. This research is aimed to study the strategy of leadership style in religious organization — the Buddhism organization will be applied here. It is based on the systematic approach in the dimension of leadership and strategic leadership for enterprise, non-profit organization and religious organization. On the other hand, the Master of Hsing-Yun, the Master of Sheng-Yen and the Master Cheng-Yen, who are the top leaders for Buddhism Organization in the worldwide will be bring in as the case studies in this research. Meanwhile, the both of theoretical and practical will be analyzed and examined. This is in order to figure out the formation and exercise of leadership style. The mainly conclusions of this study as follows; 1. The study demonstrates the definition of religious organization leadership, the leadership principle of leaders and the models of leadership style. 2. This research constructs and proceeds with these three aspects — the natural (common sense) of leaders, the construction of religious organization and the leaders of religious organization. This is in order to understand the spirit and model of the leader and the leadership style. 3. The “INTEGRATION” leadership style was suggested in Buddhism organization and the factors of time, place and people should be included as a part of components. These impacts the application of fourteen leadership styles in Buddhism organization, which will be indicated in later chapter in this research. 4. In this study also try to compare and analyze the strategic leadership in the enterprise, non-profit organization and Buddhism organization. 5. The better applicable leader’s behaviors and the consideration of strategy applied for top leaders in Buddhism organization are indicated in the study. The seven suggestions, therefore, are raised when top leaders determines the strategic leadership in Buddhism organization. Not even the master of Buddhism, the ancestors, but also the top leaders in Buddhism organization, their leadership style influences superiorly across the border of country, religion, culture, race, social level and become the learning patterns for the followers. Their reputation, dedication, big love, endless charity have come across the limit of time and space and represent the best circulation as a leader in unconscious competence, which is the best learning example today. Keyword: Religious Organization, Buddhism, Leader, Leadership Style Strategic Leadership




