  • 學位論文


The Impact of Network Strategy on Operating Ability and Operation Performance - an empirical research in Ocean Freight Forwarders

指導教授 : 湯玲郎


在海洋運輸的供應鏈中,不管是金流、物流、資訊流手續繁多,且角色複雜,包含託運人、承攬、報關、運輸等。在這複雜的供應鏈中,主要依靠貨運承攬業者擔任中介與整合服務的角色。業者為了提供一條龍式的整合服務,開始進行同業及異業網絡策略經營,從中提升營運能力與經營績效。本研究以貨運承攬業者對供應鏈中其他角色所執行的網絡策略進行研究,企試圖了解網絡策略應用對營運能力和經營績效的影響。 本研究之文獻基礎,參考Siu、Bao (2008)的網絡策略分類,將網絡策略分為六種;並採用Tracey (2005)供應鏈經營績效構面,衡量本研究中貨運承攬業者的經營績效表現。透過學者對貨運承攬業者的關鍵成功因素與網絡關係利益研究結果,本研究歸納出六項貨運承攬營運能力和七項網絡利益做為衡量構面,探討海洋貨運承攬業者對供應鏈中,貨運承攬同業、船(務)公司、報關行與物流卡車業者等四種網絡型態之網絡策略應用,對網絡利益、營運能力及經營績效的影響力。 本研究採用量化分析,以大臺北地區貨運承攬業者為對象進行研究。透過問卷調查法,回收有效問卷共計111份。再以SPSS與SmartPLS兩套統計軟體實行迴歸分析、變異數分析和路徑分析,驗證研究架構假說。 經實證與分析結果發現:(1)在各網絡中,網絡利益對經營績效、營運能力有顯著正向影響。(2)在貨運承攬同業網絡與船(務)公司網絡中,不同網絡策略應用對經營績效有顯著差異:同業網絡策略應用可以提升財務績效,船(務)公司網絡的網絡策略應用則可以提升產品認知價值、市場績效與財務績效。然而,在報關行網絡與物流卡車網絡中無顯著差異。(3)在貨運承攬同業網絡中,採用不同網絡策略對營運能力不會造成顯著差異。(4)在異業網絡(船(務)公司、報關行、物流卡車)中,貨運承攬業者之營運能力不會顯著影響經營績效,其主要透過網絡利益取得經營績效的提升。


In the supply chain of ocean freight industry, no matter the cash flow, logistic process and information process are complicated. Furthermore, there are complex roles, shipper, forwarder, customer broker, warehouse and so on, in this industry. The key role in ocean freight industry is forwarders who not only coordinate but integrate the whole continuous line service. It’s necessary to doing strategic alliance from same and different industries to forwarder. This research is focusing on ocean freight forwarder and try to understand how the network strategy influence network benefit, operation ability and operation performance in the supply chain. This research based on literature review to build research model. According to the research of Siu and Bao (2008), there are six types of network strategy. Besides, the research of Tracey (2005) provided four aspects to evaluate operation performance in supply chain. Assorting the literatures of key successful factors and network benefit to forwarder organize six operation capabilities and seven network benefits to be the aspects of this research. This research choose four types roles of ocean freight supply chain as the target which are same industry(forwarder), shipping company, customer broker and logistic. The purpose of this research is to understand the impact of network strategy on operating ability and operation performance. This research uses quantitative skill. The samples are ocean freight forwarders who come from Taipei City and New Taipei City by questionnaire survey. The total valid questionnaire is 111 and the statistical software of SPSS and Smart PLS are used for regression analysis, general linear model and path analysis to verify the hypothesis. The empirical analysis showed that: 1. In every network types, network benefits positively influence operation performance and operation capabilities. 2. In same industry network and shipping network have significant positive different to operation performance but in customer broker network and logistic network don’t. 3. In same industry network, using different strategies won’t cause significant positive different in operation capabilities. 4. In different industry network (shipping, customer broker and logistic), the capabilities of forwarders don’t have significant positive impact operation performance. The operation performance is mainly influence by network benefits.


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