  • 學位論文

台灣與中國大陸影視字幕翻譯比較 研究:以The Simpsons 為例

A Comparison of Subtitle Translation between Taiwan and Mainland China: The Simpsons as a Case Study

指導教授 : 李恭蔚
共同指導教授 : 劉康怡(Kang-Yi Liu)


本研究主要目的在於比較台灣與中國大陸翻譯《辛普森家庭》 內容的譯文;台灣譯文是根據福斯電視台對《辛普森家庭》影集進行 的翻譯;大陸譯文是由網路字幕組所翻譯的。本研究共六章:第一章 為研究動機及目的;第二章是文獻探討; 第三章則是研究方法;第 四章內容是比較、分析與評論台灣和大陸在《辛普森家庭》字幕翻譯 中的差別;第五章講述台灣譯文背後的背景知識和文化及角色分析; 第六章為研究結論,提出筆者的一些研究心得:《辛普森家庭》可以 說是美國動畫中富含文化背景的經典影視作品。從研究結果來看, 筆者發現台灣譯文偏好使用網路幽默和政治時事作為翻譯素材;大陸 譯文則是按照原文字幕的意思進行翻譯。相較之下,台灣的字幕比較 有趣幽默:然而,翻譯後的中文字幕有時和英文字幕的意思卻截然不 同;兩者的翻譯手法南轅北轍,造成的效果也兩極化。筆者希望本論 文能夠在學術研究上,給予對電影翻譯及《辛普森家庭》感興趣的譯 者、觀眾與研究者們提供幫助和參考上的價值。


The main purpose of the research is to compare the differences between the subtitle translations of The Simpsons between the version of Taiwan and that of China. Taiwan’s subtitle translation is based on FOX Channels; China’s is performed by fansub on the Internet. There are six chapters in this thesis: chapter one is the research motive and purpose; chapter two is literature review; chapter three, the research methods. Chapter four compares, analyzes and comments the differences in the subtitle translations of The Simpsons between Taiwan and China. Chapter five talks about the cultural background of Taiwan’s subtitle and the conclusion, chapter six, indicates the findings of my research. “The Simpsons” can be treated as one of American cartoons full of American cultural background. According to the results of research, the author found that Taiwan’s subtitle translation prefers the use of the Internet humor and current political events as translation materials; China’s subtitle sticks to the meanings of original English words. A comparative study leads to the finding that Taiwan’s subtitle is more interesting and humorous; however, the meaning might be totally different from that of English subtitle. The author hopes that this thesis will be helpful to those who are interested in movies translation and to the interpreters, viewers and researchers of The Simpsons.


高巧璇(2014) 《從功能翻譯理論看餐飲類影視的字幕翻譯方法-以
楊雅嵐(2013) 《遜咖日記》Diary of a Wimpy Kid 歸化與異化翻譯策
