  • 學位論文

矽智財委託設計製造(ODM)之權利瑕疵擔保責任之研究- 以台灣類比電源管理IC產業為例

The Warranty of the ODM for SIP by Taiwan's Analog Power IC Design Industry

指導教授 : 范建得


自90年代末期以降,半導體製程之快速進步促成IC設計複雜度提昇以及具體化SoC設計概念,促使產業結構的再一次分工,而廠商間透過技術的分享與合作,並結合可重複使用的矽智財來縮短SoC產品的開發時程,其中常見的即是透過委託設計製造(ODM -Own Desining and Manufacturing)的方式以補足或強化產品線、縮短新產品的開發時程與降低成本。 ODM業務型態主要是連結ODM廠商的產品設計製造能力與ODM買主的市場品牌行銷能力,並促成買賣雙方垂直、水平分工合作的機制,其間並常伴隨著技術移轉以達到知識的轉移,則其間當事人雙方之契約擬定與權利義務關係也相對得格外地重要。 ODM契約雖為我國產業界所廣泛運用,但我國法律對於ODM契約卻尚無法提供適當的規範,本文藉由我國半導體產業之類比電源管理IC次產業之實際契約個案的分析和相關文章及國外相關案例的研究,分析和歸納半導體產業界在進行此類商業交易行為模式時,如何運用ODM契約及有何可能衍生的問題發生,並就ODM契約下之技術移轉部份、晶圓代工契約及轉授權等問題作一聯結與探討,最後第五章「矽智財委託設計製造之權利瑕疵擔保責任」乃就矽智財委託設計製造之權利瑕疵擔保部份,該如何適用我國民法之範圍,並就技術之特性而有不同之法律效果等等問題加以討論、分析。最後第六章「結論與結論」乃綜合本論文前述各章分析、研究所得之心得與結論,作為本論文之總結。


Since the end of the 1990's, the rapid progress in semiconductor manufacturer has contributed to an increase in the complexity of IC design and the concept of System-on-a-chip (SoC). Furthermore, this development has also accelerated the division of labor within the semiconductor industry. Through collaboration and sharing technology, semiconductor manufacturers use silicon intellectual property (SIP) to shorten the time spent on research and development for SoC products. Interestingly, the decision among brand-named companies to cooperate rather than compete with original design manufacturers (ODM) has allowed for stronger product portfolios, reduction in time spent on research and development, and lower costs of production. Combing the ability to design and manufacture products with the brand marketing strategy, ODM and brand firms have created a successful business model that involves both vertical and horizontal divisions of labor. However, the increase in collaboration and sharing of technology and knowledge among ODM and brand firms puts further significance on the importance of legal documentation and protection of intellectual property. While current agreements offer some form of legal protection of intellectual property, the documentation is insufficient and tenuous at best. Although the current ODM agreement is commonly used throughout the entire semiconductor industry in Taiwan, there are currently no coded legal clauses about ODM contract in Taiwan. This thesis analyzed real case studies concerning the application and problems of the ODM/Retailer agreement in the domestic and foreign analog power management IC industry, that how these power IC design house companies to use the ODM contract to make businesses , and what’s the problems that these companies were suffering,and also did research about the licensing by ODM、wafer foundry contract and the sublicense issues, and the warranty of ODM for SIP that how be applied to the civic law of Taiwan,in the end , also have the conclusions and suggestions in chapter 6。


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13. 行政院公平交易委員會對於技術授權協議案件之處理原則
3. 王文宇,專利授權契約之相關法律問題及其策略運用,二OO五年。
17. 張心如,「SIP產業現況報導」,SIP Status Report Seminar,工業技術研究院電子工業研究所,產業研究報告,二OOO年四月。
