  • 學位論文


The Collaboration Difficulties and Coping Strategies Between Specialized Counseling Teachers and Counseling Administrators-A viewpoint from Specialized Counseling Teachers

指導教授 : 杜淑芬


本研究旨在探討國中專任輔導教師在學校內與輔導行政人員合作時的困境與困境的因應策略。本研究採紮根理論取向為研究方法,使用半結構式訪談法收集所需資料,以立意取樣的方式邀請桃園市六位國中專任輔導教師參與,六位教師均為女性,年齡27至50歲,擔任專輔年資介於4、5年之間。每位教師均採用個別訪談,訪談時間約為2小時。本研究採用從資料到類別的方式進行分析,運用三角檢證進行信效度的檢核。主要研究結果如下: 一、專輔教師的工作困境包含:工作內涵多元而繁雜、科層體制下的困境、角色認定上的困境、人際關係互動的困境、個人因素形成的困境。 二、從經驗中找尋校內合作因應策略,在制度層面有:面對不是專業的輔導行政人員,專輔運用專業補充其不足;輔導人員間能正向支持、目標清楚,則有利團隊合作;與輔導行政主管商討接任組長人選,協助業務交接;專輔教師宜視對象適時轉換角色、尋求資源;建立溝通平台、讓專輔被看見;在專輔位置,推動全校教職員生心理健康的意識與成長。而在人為因素方面,則包括:先義後利、去除本位的合作精神;主動協助、釋出善意;抱持學習心態,向「合作對象」學習;適時自我揭露、調整、轉換,讓合作對象瞭解你的狀況。 最後研究者根據研究結論提出研究限制及後續研究的建議,並分享實際工作現場的反思,期使應用於未來專輔教師工作實務以及相關研究之參考。


The aim of this study was to investigate the specialized counseling teachers’ coping strategies, and difficulties in collaboration with counseling administrators in schools. This study used grounded theoretical orientation as research methods, semi-structured interviews were used to collect the required data, and purposive sampling was adopted to invite six specialized counseling teachers from Taoyuan City to take part in the study. The participants are female, aged 27 to 50 years, counseling teachers’ years between 4,5 years. The major results of current research are as follows: 1. The collaborative difficulties reported by the specialized counseling teachers included: the diverse and complex jobs’ contents, the collaboration difficulties under the bureaucratic system, the collaboration difficulties of the role identification, the collaboration difficulties of interpersonal interaction, personal factors of the collaboration difficulties of the formation. 2. To find collaboration and coping strategies from experience. In the system level: Facing a non-professional counseling administrators, apply counseling abilities to supplement their deficiencies; provide mutual positive support among counseling staff and set clear objectives in collaboration; participate in the process of recuiting counseling administrator and assist with handover process; be flexible in role adoption and seek resouces when needed; establish a communication platform with other school adminstratives and teachers and make specialized counseling teachers be seen; provide in-service that promote the mental health and personal growth of the whole school. In the personal level, including: remove the selfishness of collaboration spirit; take the initiative to help, the release of goodwill; hold learning attitude, learn from your partner; timely self-disclosure, adjustment, conversion, so that partners understand your situation. Finally, the researcher make suggestions with regard to the future research, the restrictions of the current study, and the counseling practice in schools.




莊淑貞(2017)。論莊子思想對國中專任輔導教師 輔導工作的「心」啟發之研究〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-0401201815585255
