  • 學位論文

組織氣候、組織認同、組織效能之關聯性研究 -以非營利組織國際獅子會台灣地區分會為實證對象

An Exploration of the Relationships among Organizational Climate, Organizational Identification and Organizational Effectiveness – A Study on the Lions Clubs International, in Taiwan of the Non-Profit Organization.

指導教授 : 諸承明


摘 要 近年來,隨著非營利組織的蓬勃發展,人們對於非營利組織的經營與管理,一直存在著企業化的需求。本研究嘗試以探討營利組織經營與管理的模式,套用於探討非營利組織經營與管理的特殊領域。 本研究以「組織氣候、組織認同、組織效能、個人背景」為變項,配合「非營利組織」經營管理實務,整理歸納成為研究架構主體,旨在探討: 1、組織氣候與組織認同之關聯性。 2、個人背景與組織認同之關聯性。 3、組織認同與組織效能之關聯性。 4、組織氣候與組織效能之關聯性。 5、個人背景與組織效能之關聯性。 並以非營利組織「國際獅子會台灣地區分會 」為實證對象,利用問卷調查蒐集資料,共得有效樣本190份,經描述性統計分析、相關分析、單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本T檢定、信度檢定等統計分析過程,結果發現: 1、組織氣候各構面與組織認同具有顯著性相關。 2、組織認同各構面與組織效能具有顯著性相關。 3、組織氣候各構面與組織效能具有顯著性相關。 4、年齡與組織認同無顯著性相關。年齡與組織效能具顯著性負相關,年齡越高其組織效能越低。 5、年資與組織認同具顯著性相關,年資越高其組織認同度越高。年資與組織效能無顯著性相關。 6、性別不同其組織認同具顯著性差異,男性組織認同度高於女性。性別不同其組織效能無顯著性差異。 7、職位不同其組織認同無顯著性差異。職位不同其組織效能無顯著性差異。 8、學歷不同其組織認同無顯著性差異。學歷不同其組織效能具顯著性差異,學歷越高其組織效能越高。 9、本業不同其組織認同無顯著性差異。本業不同其組織效能無顯著性差異。 本研究結果樂意回饋受研究對象,供組織發展,實現志業之參考。 關鍵字: 組織氣候 組織認同 組織效能 非營利組織


ABSTRACT With the rapid development of non-profit organizations in recent years, many people have woken up to the necessity for the concept of ‘enterprization’ within non-profit organizations. This research study attempts to investigate different models of business operations and management, and subsequently adopt them in the domains of non-profit organizational operations and management. The structure of this study presents itself with organizational climate, organizational identification, organizational effectiveness and personal background as independent variables, along with the experience of non-profit organizational administration and practices. It aims to explore 1.The relationship between organizational climate and organizational identification. 2.The relationship between personal background and organizational identification. 3.The relationship between organizational identification and organizational effectiveness. 4.The relationship between organizational climate and organizational effectiveness. 5.The relationship between personal background and organizational effectiveness. In this study, questionnaire sampling was purposefully chosen from The Lions Clubs International, in Taiwan of the non-profit organization. The valid sample size was 190. Through the process of descriptive statistical analysis, analysis of correlation and test of significance,one-way factor analysis of variance, independent-sample T test,reliability test, the research findings suggest that: 1.There was a significant correlation between each dimension of organizational climate and organizational identification. 2.There was a significant correlation between each dimension of organizational identification and organizational effectiveness. 3.There was a significant correlation between each dimension of organizational climate and organizational effectiveness. 4.There was no correlation between age group and organizational identification. However, there was negative correlation between age group and organizational effectiveness. The older the individual, the lower the organizational effectiveness. 5.There was a significant correlation between the length of an individual’s working experience and organizational identification; the longer the individual, the greater the organizational identification. Nevertheless, there was no correlation between the length of an individual’s working experience and organizational effectiveness. 6.There was a significant difference between organizational identification and the opposite sex; that is, the male organizational identification outnumbers the female. But, there was no significant difference between sex and organizational effectiveness. 7.There was no significant difference not only between status and organizational identification but also between status and organizational effectiveness. 8.There was no significant difference between educational background and organizational identification. Nevertheless, there was a significant difference between educational background and organizational effectiveness; that is, the higher the educational background, the more the organizational effectiveness. 9.There was no significant difference not only between individual’s career and organizational identification but also between individual’s career and organizational effectiveness. Key word : organizational climate organizational identification organizational effectiveness non-profit organizational.


05、Hansmann ,H.B.(1980),The Role of Non-profit Enterprise,The Yale Law Journal Volume 89。


