  • 學位論文


A Study of reading behavior in the electronic display and hard copy document.

指導教授 : 林久翔


網際網路及多媒體的普及,在可見的未來,必然越來越多人利用網路吸收新知、滿足個人興趣或是打發休閒時間。雖然電子書報有其檢索的便利性和多媒體的特質,卻未必能取代書面獨特的感覺。根據國內多項調查顯示,大多數的使用者仍不習慣在電腦螢幕前閱讀,尤其是篇幅較長時。因此,未來應該是多元閱讀形式並存的型態。 在過去的研究可以發現骨骼肌肉傷害確實是電腦使用者常見的職業病,尤其是頸肩部位方面問題,而在閱讀歷程中,不論是以傳統書面或是現代電腦螢幕為閱讀界面,長期靜態的凝視姿勢,頭部位置或眼睛凝視方向將會對閱讀者頸肩肌肉的活動及眼睛造成不良影響。 本研究利用眼睛追蹤系統,針對頭部與眼睛在書面及螢幕媒體閱讀或搜尋作業時的閱讀行為,實驗結果顯示,不同媒體及型態對頭部俯仰角度、眼睛上下凝視角度造成影響;至於左右轉動角度影響不顯著,而且文章以書面或螢幕為閱讀呈現媒介時頭部轉動角度小於眼睛凝視角度。綜合以上結果,本研究得到以電腦螢幕閱讀或搜尋時頭部及眼睛的變化角度明顯的小於在書面媒體作業時頭部及眼睛的變化角度,此為長期操作電腦時促發頸部酸痛及眼睛疲勞的誘因之一,即在螢幕閱讀時,頭部會往前傾斜,頭部重心落在身體正中線的前方,使得頸椎承受額外壓力,肌肉也增加了許多的負擔。


Internet and multimedia are so universal that more and more people use it for leisure. According to a few investigations, great majority users are not used to reading in front of the computer when the reading length is relatively long. It is believed that multi-modes of reading will coexist in the future. Previous studies pointed out that the most common occupational disease of computer use is the musculoskeletal problem, especially the neck and shoulder, In the reading process, whether it’s an interface of digital screen or hard copy document, the over-extended period of reading causes a motionless eye gaze and head posture, imposing static loading of the neck and shoulder muscle. The purpose of this study is to investigate the reading behavior of digital screen and hard copy document using the eye tracker. The different media and modes of reading have effects on the head pitch and eye gaze. While reading or searching on the computer screen, the movement of the head and the eye gaze is smaller than that in the hard copy document.


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