  • 學位論文


The Research of Self-Assessment Model for Implementing Six Sigma System

指導教授 : 江瑞清


近年來,因GE、3M等國際知名企業將推行六標準差所獲得的卓越財務績效公諸於世,使得國內企業紛紛被六標準的魔法所炫惑,一股腦兒地開始投入六標準差推行活動,而形成一股新浪潮,但實際結果卻是推行者眾、成功者寡。是什麼原因造成國內企業無法達到推行六標準差的預期目標呢?企業是否真的適合及需要六標準差嗎?企業須具備什麼條件才適合推行六標準差呢?一連串的問題,困擾著企業的領導人們,此亦為本研究欲深究探索之處。 本研究首先從推行六標準差活動的本質-「組織變革」的角度,進行組織變革最重要關鍵因素-「領導」的探討,並以企業領導人「領導能力」的足夠與否及對「組織成果滿意度」的判斷,做為企業是否可以朝組織變革之路邁進的依據;接著,在整合各學者的看法後,以推行六標準差活動的目的-「創造價值」的觀點,建構六標準差的系統架構,並以此架構審視企業所需之「組織能力」是否足夠。而為了發展一評鑑問卷,供企業自行審視本身狀況,本研究參考著名品質獎項的評鑑方式,分別建立了「領導能力」、「組織成果滿意度」及「組織能力」的評量問卷。最後為驗證六標準差系統架構之正確性及評鑑問卷之可行性,本研究尋訪六標準差專家,以問卷調查之方式,進行確認。 經此研究過程,得一重要結論:企業為了要在瞬息萬變的環境中求生存,必須要能創造價值,而六標準差系統即是一個以創造價值為目的的管理系統,3.4 DPPM、DMAIC或DMADV,僅是對六標準差以狹隘的思維進行解讀,企業若無法跳脫此桎梏,逕行宣稱已推行六標準差,事實上所能獲得的成效將極為有限,惟有以創造價值為目的推行六標準差,企業方能享受推行六標準差所帶來的甜蜜成果,並發展出適合自己的六標準差。


Recently, a Six Sigma wave had been formed. Many Taiwan enterprises had been dazzled by Six Sigma Magic and tried to carry out Six Sigma due to the excellent financial results performed by GE, 3M and other international enterprises with implementing Six Sigma. But only a few enterprises with implementing Six Sigma were successful, the others were failed. Why the goal of implementing Six Sigma cannot be achieved in Taiwan enterprises? Do enterprises really need and be suitable for implementing Six Sigma? What do enterprises need before implementing Six Sigma? Those questions are confusing the enterprise leaders and this paper will find out the answers. Because the essence of Six Sigma is “Organization Change” and the most important key factor for organization change is “Leadership”, at first the paper established 2 leadership criteria to judge that enterprise needs to implement organization change or not. One of the criteria was “Leadership Capability” and the other was “Evaluation of Satisfaction for Business Results”. Next, the paper established a Six Sigma System Structure with “Value Creation” viewpoint after reviewing literatures because the purpose of implementing Six Sigma is “Value Creation”. Through the structure, enterprises could find what “Organization Capability” are needed for creating values. Third, the paper referred to the assessment logicality of famous quality awards to develop assessment questionnaires with “Leadership Capability”, “The Evaluation of Satisfaction for Business Results”, and “Organization Capability”. Finally, through discussing with Six Sigma experts, the Six Sigma System Structure and questionnaires had been verified. A most important conclusion gained from the paper is that enterprises must have the capability of value creation for surviving in the quickly change world and they could bring up the capability through implementing Six Sigma because the purpose of Six Sigma system is value creation. If enterprises just think that Six Sigma is 3.4 DPPM, DMAIC, or DMADV, the results of implementing Six Sigma will be disappointing them. Only implementing Six Sigma with the purpose of value creation, enterprises could enjoy the sweet results and develop their own Six Sigma.


Six Sigma System Self-Assessment


01 Michael Hammer and James Champy, Reengineering the Corporation, 1993, Harper Business
02. Raymond L. Manganelli and Mark M. Klein, The Reengineering Handbook – A Step-By-Step Guide To Business Transformation, 1994, AMACON
06. Jerome A. Blakeslee Jr., Implementing The Six Sigma Solution, July 1999, Quality Progress
07. John A. Lupienski, Quality Control - Six Sigma, Sept 1999, Electrical Engineering Department Senior Seminar, State University of New York at Buffalo.
13. Gerald J. Hahm, Statistical Tools for Six Sigma, Sept 2001, Quality Progress


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