  • 學位論文


Investigating the Core Competences of Talents in the Culture and Creativity Industry - A Case Study of Ceramic Industry in Yingge

指導教授 : 胡宜中


全世界的創意經濟每天創造約220億美元,並以5%的速度遞增,顯示文化創意產業已成為21世紀全球最具有商業價值和文化內涵的產業,世界各國都相當重視文化創意產業的發展。根據2011年台灣文化創意產業發展年報得知,人才培育是建構文化創意產業鏈的重要工作,充裕的人才培育,配合產業鏈的建構與系統化的執行力,才能讓文化創意產業從根基發展。此外,要使產業鏈擁有價值,就需透過人才能力培養的方式,讓企業價值鏈相連結。因此,顯示人力素質是文化創意產業發展的關鍵,擁有越多具有文化創意的人才,越有助於文化創意產業的發展,才能達到企業永續發展的目標。但台灣文創人才培育一直有不足的現象,雖然近年來興起大專院校成立文化創意相關科系,希望培育出符合文化創意產業需求的人才,但在人才培育上較難衡量成效,所以有需要檢視在文創人才能力培養的情況。因此,引發本研究動機,探討文化創意產業人才所需的關鍵核心能力。希望了解產官學三方的意見,使人才培育能達到產學零距離,透過人才培育提升產業競爭力。 在文化創意產業16大領域中,工藝產業屬於營業額較高、產業歷史較久、成熟具有潛力的產業,且為政府積極推動的文創六大旗艦產業之一。而在工藝產業13類別內,因為陶瓷類工序簡易、安全性高、創造性高、學習入門容易以及生產成本較低等,所以從事生產陶瓷類的業者最多。目前,新北市鶯歌為生產陶瓷最大宗的地區,也是最具代表性的陶瓷聚落,當地80%以上的企業都與陶瓷有關。從2000年開始鶯歌逐步從傳統產業轉型成為文化創意產業,產業潛力大,但當地正面臨缺乏人才和產業鏈連結不足等問題。且過去與陶瓷文創產業相關的研究,以產業與企業經營模式、行銷策略以及品牌研究為多數,較缺乏在陶瓷文創人才關鍵核心能力的探討,但人才培育對鶯歌陶瓷文創產業卻十分重要,加上政府也相當重視產業的發展。因此本研究認為鶯歌陶瓷文創產業具有研究價值,故探討鶯歌陶瓷文創產業在人才培育上所需之核心能力。 由於決策實驗室法與網路程序分析法,強調準則間或多或少存在相依關係,在應用上也是找出關鍵因素的有效工具,因此本研究結合決策實驗室法與網路分析程序法,來釐清變數間互相影響關係,找出鶯歌陶瓷文創產業在人才培育上所需的關鍵核心能力,以及關鍵核心能力間的因果關係。研究結果指出:在關鍵核心能力上,業者較重視整合資源能力、責任感與積極度、品牌國際化能力、溝通協調能力、品牌育成能力、智財管理與運用能力、團隊合作能力以及學習能力。而培訓單位則較重視品牌國際化能力、整合資源能力、產品行銷能力、責任感與積極度、經營國際通路能力、溝通協調能力、品牌育成能力以及智財管理與運用能力。這顯示培訓單位未來在課程與活動上應再關注於團隊合作以及學習能力等核心能力的培養。 就關鍵核心能力間的因果關係而言。本研究發現,培養鶯歌陶瓷文創人才應由責任感與積極度開始著手,方能有效率的改善其它關鍵核心能力績效。這顯示當人才具有高度責任感時,由於專注投入能活化並整合潛在的知識與經驗,長久下來其它相關能力自然會提升。且在積極主動負責的過程中,不自覺也能提升其它能力與思考的高度。顯示改善責任感與積極度確實能提升其它的能力。此外,目前國內只有少數學校在文創人才的能力培育上較貼近陶瓷文創業者的需求。建議未來培訓單位應相互支援,合作開設相關課程,以互蒙其利。


Cultural and creative has become an industry that has commercially valuable and culture meaning in the 21st century. Because, every day the creative economy creating about $ 22 billion and increasing rate of 5%. Worldwide are attentions to develop of cultural and creative industry. According to Taiwan Cultural and Creative Industries Annual Report in 2011, talent cultivation is an important work to building cultural and creative industry chain. In order to make the development of cultural and creative industries from the basic, except sufficient talent cultivation, collocating industry chain construction and systematic execution capability are important. Besides, In order to let the industry chain to produce value, it also needs to connect the value chain through the way of cultivation talents. Therefore, quality of talents is a key factor when development of cultural and creative industries. The more culturally creative talents, the more help the development of cultural and creative industries, and to achieve the goal of sustainable development of enterprises. However, the cultural and creative talents are shortage in Taiwan. In recent years, universities to develop the related fields in cultural and creative is going to be a trend, but it’s difficult to measure the effectiveness of incubation. So, it needs to view the cultural and creative talents in the building of capacity. Therefore, triggering the motivation of this study, it wants to investigate the core competencies of talents. We hope to know the suggestion of three middle school officials, to enhance industrial competitiveness and let the talents capability cultivation are closer in university and industry. Under the cultural and creative industries, craft is the high revenue, long history, mature and potential industry. It’s also the focus cultural and creative industries for government. In the craft industry, ceramic have some advantage, for example, make process simple, safe, high creativity, learning easy and lower production cost, so the most owners are produce ceramic. Currently, Yingge is the largest region for produce ceramic, and it’s also the representative of the ceramic cluster, more than 80% of local businesses are related with ceramics. Yingge progressively transition from traditional industries to the cultural and creative industries. Although the industrial has high potential, it's also facing a shortage of talents and industry chain shortage of link. In the past research, the topic related with ceramic industry is most in business model, marketing strategy and brand research. It lack of cultural and creative talent in the ceramic core competencies discussion, but the discussion is very important for Yingge and government also attaches to the industry. Therefore, this study suggests that Yingge Ceramics has worthy of further study. Decision making trial and evaluation laboratory and analytic network process are emphasis on dependent between criteria. And in the application, it’s also an effective tool to identify the key factors. Therefore, in order to clarify the relationship between criteria, and finding the critical core competence for Yingge Ceramics and the causal relationship between key core competences. We are combines Decision making trial and evaluation laboratory and analytic network process. Results of the owner show that the most important core competences is integrate resources capability and then is responsibility and aggressive, brand internationalization capability, communication and coordination capability, bred brand capability, intellectual property management and use capability, teamwork capability and learning capability. And the training units are emphasis on the brand internationalization capability, integrate resources capability, product marketing capability, responsibility and aggressive, international business channel capability, communication and coordination capability, bred brand capability and intellectual property management and use capability. This shows that training units should be focused on learn capability and teamwork capability in the future when they are planning lessons and activities. On the causal relationship of the key core competences. The study found that Yingge Ceramics talent cultivation should be started in responsibility and aggressive. It can enhance the cultivation efficiency for other key core competences. When talents have high sense of responsibility, they can focus and integrate the potential of knowledge and experience. For a long time, it will naturally enhance the ability of other relevant. And in the process of aggressive, people can unconsciously enhance other abilities and the thinking level. This shows that through to improve responsibility and aggressive, it also can improve the other ability. Besides, we find that only few universities are close to the needs of the ceramic industries. Suggest that training units should support each other and cooperation to set up related courses. Let each other can obtain the advantage.




賴秋粉(2016)。伺服器製造業之機殼海運成本關鍵因素分析 –以國內I公司為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201600293
