  • 學位論文

指引迷津- 使用IPAD2於一名具有情緒行為問題的多重障礙學生之教學歷程與教學經驗

Guiding out of the labyrinth- The teaching process and expeience on using iPAD2 for a student with multiple impairments and serious emotional and behavioral problems.

指導教授 : 潘惠銘


本研究探討研究者整理四名特教教師使用iPAD2在一名具有情緒行為問題的多障學生之教學歷程與教學經驗。採取回溯式質性研究方法,分析研究參與者訪談資料及其他文件等方式進行。研究結論如下: 一、教學歷程 (一)、教師事前需充足的準備,可讓iPAD2使用更為順暢。 (二)、教師須克服教學過程中可能遇到的狀況。 二、教學經驗 (一)、教師依據正向心理學原理,發掘個案優勢,並與iPAD2的優點整合,可控制具有情緒行為問題的多障學生之情緒。 (二)、教師使用iPAD2個別指導可帶來教學型態的質變,與情緒行為問題之多障學生的進步。 (三)、教師透過iPAD2中的google語音搜尋、電子書、youtube影片、電玩遊戲與打擊樂練習軟體等可讓情緒行為問題的多障學生學習到閱讀、節奏、生活常識、良性溝通互動等內容。 (四)、音樂、遊戲、繪畫、視訊對話、幼教影集等個案喜愛的內容,融入於iPAD2中,是使個案產生正向情緒及集中並維持注意力的主要關鍵。 (五) 、教師指導原則為對個案持續保持關注及熱忱、隨時掌握個案情緒、簡化操作難度或給與視覺提示、恩威並施讓個案學習自制、配合個案短暫的注意力,善用各種軟體快速切換,維持操作興趣、當個案情緒躁動時,直接引導其操作喜愛的內容避免詢問。 (六)、研究結果顯示iPAD2具有操作簡易、穩定且迅速、軟體間順暢無礙的切換,以及輕薄的行動可攜性等優點,符合有情緒行為多重障礙學生的需求;但網路不順時嚴重影響使用品質、易損壞與昂貴的售價為其限制與缺點。


This study explores the teaching processes and teaching experiences of four special aids teachers, who taught a student with multiple impairments and emotional and behavioral disorders by using iPAD2. The retrospective qualitative methodology combined with research participant interview and document analysis was used in this study. Two conclusions were found: I. Teaching processes: 1. The teaching processes will be smooth when teacher arrange all necessary facilities sufficiently before teaching. 2. Teachers should overcome all incidents during teaching process. II. Teaching experiences: 1. According to the theory of positive psychology teachers can control the emotion of the student with multiple impairments and emotional and behavioral problems by integrating the strength of student with the advantages of iPAD2. 2. The individual instruction with iPAD2 has the potential to change the teaching practice of students with multiple impairments and emotional and behavioral problems, and to facilitate their progress. 3. Students with multiple impairments and emotional and behavioral disorders can learn reading, rhythmic, knowledges for daily life and positive communication and interaction through the soft wares in the iPAD2, like the Google voice search, the electronic book, the video from the youtube and computer games. 4. Using iPAD2 with the favorite programs of the student, like music, computer game, drawing,“Face time”and video programs for young children is the key point to make the student happy and to sustain his attention. 5. The teaching principles of the teachers are as followed: continuous attention and passion to the student, on-going control of the emotional status of the student, simplifying the operation steps and provision of visual prompt , promoting the self-control of the student through authority and tolerance, in accordance to the short attention span of the student switching the program swiftly in order to keep the student on task, guiding the student directly into the program without unnecessary inquiry, while he is in a tantrum. . 6. The iPAD2 has the advantages of easy to use, fast , stable, easy to switch software, slimly and mobile, which meet the needs of student with multiple impairments and emotional and behavioral problems. Its disadventages are vulnerable to internet interruption and dropping and expensive.


用問題解題成效之研究。新竹教育大學教育學報。 26,2。P89-125。


