  • 學位論文


Using Eye Tracking to Explore Learning Disabilities in Reading Process of the Different Textbooks’ Editing Mode

指導教授 : 周永燦


學習障礙(Learning Disability, LD)為身心障礙其中一種,透過外表與智商不易發覺有異常,但其行為表現上卻與同儕有所差異,導致在聽、說、讀或寫會發生困難。根據我國一百年度身心障礙類學生人數統計概況資料顯示,學習障礙佔各身心障礙類21%,僅次於智能障礙, Lerner於1993年表示約80%學習障礙生在詞彙、字母辨認,或閱讀理解有困難,且學習障礙生及一般生在閱讀文字不作改變之文章較無法有效理解文章涵義,但透過字級、插圖等教材編輯模式能有效提升理解能力。為了瞭解字級和插圖對於學習障礙生在閱讀理解能力和眼動歷程上之影響,本研究對象為學習障礙國中生與一般國中生進行探討,利用三種不同教材編輯模式的文章,包括文字不作改變、關鍵字字級提升及附有插圖之文章作為閱讀材料,並透過眼動儀追蹤記錄受試者各種眼動歷程,接著實施閱讀測驗,最後進行ANOVA分析。本研究實驗結果指出,學習障礙生和一般學生注視整篇文章的時間有顯著差異,但關鍵字字級提高和插圖確實能吸引學習障礙生閱讀,且將整篇文章閱讀完畢的意願提高,而關鍵字字級提升及附有插圖之文章所測驗的成績顯示,此兩種教材編輯模式能有效提升學習障礙生的理解能力。期望本研究之實驗結果能提供未來特殊教育教材設計之參考依據。


學習障礙 閱讀理解 字級 眼動儀 插圖


Learning Disability (LD) is one of the physical and mental disabilities. Through appearance and IQ learning disabilities aren’t easy to find deviance, but their performances are different to peer, result in difficulty of their listening, speaking, reading, or writing. According to the statistics of the physical and mental disabled students for 100 school years in Taiwan, learning disabilities account for 21% of the physical and mental disabilities, next to the mental retardation. Lerner said that about 80% learning disabilities had difficulty in vocabulary, letter recognition, or reading comprehension in 1993. Learning disabilities and peer couldn’t understand the meaning of the article effectively when they read the text without any tips, but they could use font size, illustration and other textbooks’ editing mode to help them enhance comprehension. In order to recognize font size and illustration for influence of learning disabilities with comprehension and eye movement, participants are students who are in junior high education attending the 7th to 9th class and who have a diagnosis in learning disability, and the reading material are three different textbooks’ editing mode including text only, font size of keywords upgrading, and having an illustration in the article. Through eye tracking to track and record participants’ a variety of eye movement, then give a test of the articles. Finally, using ANOVA analysis results for the data. Our result indicates that the fixation time of the entire article between learning disabilities and peer is significant difference; however, font size and illustration could attract learning disabilities to read, and they have finished reading the whole article willingness to improve. Test’s results show that font size and illustration can improve comprehension of learning disabilities. The results and conclusions of this study can be a reference for future preparation of related teaching materials or lesson preparation.


American Academy of Pediatrics, Section on Ophthalmology, Council on Children with Disabilities; American Academy of Ophthalmology; American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus; American Association of Certified Orthoptists, (2009), “Joint statement--Learning disabilities, dyslexia, and vision,” Pediatrics, Vol. 124, No. 2, pp. 837-844.
American Psychiatric Association, (2000), “Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders,” 4th text revised version (DSM IV-TR), Washington, DC: Author.
Antoniou, F., and Souvignier, E., (2007), “Strategy instruction in reading comprehension: An intervention study for students with learning disabilities,” Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 41-57.


