  • 學位論文

STS 教學對學生科學學習成效與科學學習態度影響之統合分析

Meta-analysis of Influences of STS Instruction on Students'Science Learning Effects and Science Learning Attitude

指導教授 : 楊坤原


摘 要 本研究之研究目的有三:(1)收集國內有關「STS 教學」的研究,以瞭解「STS 教學」目前的使用狀況及其效用。(2)使用統合分析法,為「STS 教學」先前所累積的研究做一統合性的分析,進而瞭解「STS 教學」對學生「科學學習成效」與「科學學習態度」的影響。(3)使用統合分析法,為不同研究性質的「STS 教學」研究做一統合性的分析,進而瞭解影響「STS 教學」對學生「科學學習成效」與「科學學習態度」的中介變項。 本研究使用電腦資料庫檢索、溯洄法,以及相關期刊回顧等方式,蒐集到35篇 STS 教學的實徵性研究。依Hedges與Olkin (1985)統合分析的技術來計算加權平均效果量d+值,並以其「類別模式」尋找影響 STS 教學效果的中介變項。研究結果顯示: 一、STS 教學能有效促進學生科學概念的學習成效。 二、STS 教學能有效促進學生科學學習態度,包括對科學課程的態度、對科學教師的態度、科學學習興趣、科學學習動機與科學學習策略。 三、科學學習成效效果量 d 值為0.3929,科學學習態度效果量 d 值為0.3802。 四、STS 教學研究中,教學區域、學生學習階段、教學方式、教學時間及教學者特徵都是影響學生科學概念學習成效之中介變項。 五、STS 教學研究中,教學區域、學習階段、研究設計方式及教學方式都是影響 STS 教學對學生科學學習態度之中介變項。 六、在不同的教學區域中,北部地區的學生在接受STS 教學過後,在科學學習成效、科學學習態度之效果量較高。 七、在不同的學習階段中,國小階段的學生在科學學習策略之效果量較高;國中階段的學生在科學概念學習成效較高;高中階段目前只有科學概念學習成效之研究;大專階段的學生則是在對科學課程的態度之效果量較高。 八、在不同的研究設計方面,對照組的研究設計對學生在科學學習態度、對科學課程的態度、對科學教師的態度、科學學習動機,都得到較高的效果量。 九、在教學時間長短方面,較長的教學時間對學生在科學學習態度、對科學教師的態度、科學學習興趣、科學學習動機、科學學習策略,都得到較高的效果量。 十、在不同的教學者方面,教學者為研究者對學生在科學概念的學習成效、科學學習態度、對科學課程的態度、對科學教師的態度、科學學習動機與科學學習策略,都得到較高的效果量。


Abstract There are three purposes in this research.Ⅰ.To collect the outcomes of experimental studies on STS instruction and to understand how STS instruction is used now and its effect sizes . Ⅱ. To adopt the meta-analysis to analyze the previous accumulation outcomes of experimental studies on STS instruction and to understand the influences of STS instruction on students’ Science Learning Effects and Learning Attitude. Ⅲ. To adopt the meta-analysis to analyze the different kinds of STS instruction studies and to find out moderator variables that may influence the effects of STS instruction on students’ Science Learning Effects and Learning Attitude . It began with a systematic search of the literature from electronic database, the ancestry approach and related journals to locate 35 STS instruction studies. The effect sizes were calculated by Hedges and Olkin’s (1985) procedure. Further, the studies tested all coded features by ‘Categorical Model ‘to find moderator variables. The results of the study were listed as follows: 1. The analyses revealed that STS instruction had a positive affect on students’ science concept learning effects. 2. The analyses revealed that STS instruction had a positive affect on students’ Science Learning Attitude , including the Attitudes toward Science Courses, Science Teachers, Learning Interests in the Science Courses, Learning Motives in the Science Courses and Science Learning Strategies. 3. Science Learning Effect:d=0.3929, Science Learning Attitude:d=0.3802. 4. The moderator variables of STS instruction studies on students’ Science Learning Effects were teaching regions, learning stages of the students, teaching methods, teaching time and instructors. 5. The moderator variables of STS instruction studies on students’ Science Learning Attitude were teaching regions, learning stages of the students, research design methods and teaching methods. 6. In different teaching regions, the students in the north get higher effect size in Science Learning Effects and Learning Attitude after STS teaching. 7. In different learning stages, elementary school students get higher effect size in Science Learning Strategies. Junior high school students get higher effect size in science concept learning effects. There is only science concept learning effects research on senior high schools now . Junior college students get higher effect size in the Attitudes toward Science Courses. 8. In different research design methods, the contrastive group design to students can get higher effect size in Science Learning Attitude, the Attitudes toward Science Courses, Science Teachers and Learning Motives in the Science Courses. 9. In different teaching time, long teaching time for students can get higher effect size in Science Learning Attitude, the Attitudes toward Science Teachers, Learning Interests in the Science Courses, Learning Motives in the Science Courses and Science Learning Strategies. 10. For different instructors, instructors who are the researchers can get higher effect size in science concept learning effects, Science Learning Attitude, the Attitudes toward Science Courses, Science Teachers, Learning Motives in the Science Courses and Science Learning Strategies.


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