  • 學位論文

標題式數學寫作評分規準的發展及探討其對 國小一年級學生加減文字問題解題之成效

The Development of Rubric for Mathematics Rubric Writing and a Study of Its Effect on First Graders’ Learning of Addition and Subtraction Word Problems

指導教授 : 袁媛


本研究旨在發展標題式數學寫作評分規準的內容,並探討標題式數學寫作對國小一年級學生加減文字問題的學習成效。本研究採用不等組準實驗設計及質性資料分析混合設計方法,進行為期九週的教學實驗。研究者設計標題式數學寫作形式學習單與評分規準,以桃園縣某國小一年級兩班學生為研究對象,一班為實驗組(25人),進行標題式數學寫作活動,另一班為控制組(23人),維持一般教學法,不融入數學寫作相關活動,兩組學生在教學實驗後接受數學成就測驗的測量,以探討學生在實驗教學後的學習成效。 本研究所發展的標題式數學寫作評分規準採用分析型的評分方式,參照Polya(1945)的解題歷程-理解題意、擬定計畫、執行計畫、驗證答案等四個向度的解題表現各給予三個層級的評分:0級分、1級分、2級分。各級分提供相關文字描述,以二維的表格呈現,提供教師與學生在教學與學習上的回饋參考。另外,根據統計分析的結果發現,接受標題式數學寫作教學的實驗組學生,與接受一般教學的控制組學生,在數學成就測驗的學習成效上沒有顯著差異。進一步分析兩組學生各題項的答對率,發現參與標題式數學寫作活動的實驗組學生,在解決未接觸過且較具難度的改變型(起始量未知)、比較型(參照量未知)等文字問題,容易掌握問題核心,選擇適當的策略解題。最後,根據研究的結果與發現,對課程教材的編排、國小低年級數學教師,及後續研究者提出建議,以作為未來相關研究之參考。


The objective of this study was to develop a rubric for mathematics rubric writing. By combining the nonequivalent quasi-experimental design and quantitative data analysis into a nine-week teaching experiment, we studied the effect on first grader’s learning of addition and subtraction word problems. The research designs were the learning list and rubric in the form of mathematics rubric writing; the subjects were first graders of two classes in a Taoyuan County elementary school. One class was the experimental group (25 students), in which mathematics rubric writing activities were employed. The other class was the control group (23 students), where the ordinary teaching methods without rubric writing activities applied. After the teaching experiment, the two student groups took a mathematics achievement test in order to evaluate the post-experimental learning. This study’s rubric of mathematics rubric writing was analytical. In reference to Polya (1945), the problem solving process included four dimensions: understanding the problem, devising a plan, carrying out the plan, looking back. Each dimension was graded on three levels: Grade 0, Grade 1, Grade 2. A two-dimensional table displays the description of each grading, offering feedback to teachers and students regarding teaching and learning activities. In addition, statistical results demonstrated that students subject to mathematics rubric writing and ordinary teaching methods did not significantly differ in terms of mathematics achievement. Analysis regarding the accuracy rate showed that: students in the experimental group (those involved in mathematics rubric writing activities) had better understanding of the problem and knew how to select an proper approach when encountering unfamiliar and relatively difficult word problems, e.g., the change type (initial value unknown) and compare type (reference quantity unknown). Future suggestions for the arrangement of course materials, first/second-grade math teaching and researchers are provided at the end of the study.




