  • 學位論文


Evaluating the effectiveness and process of the training and development program in the Irrigation Associations in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 丁姵元


各地區農田水利會在臺灣水利事業體系中扮演全國性的農業政策及維護水利設施的重要推手。為了提高現有員工的素質,讓水利會的員工皆能學以致用,並檢視現行訓練制度的歷程品質與效益評估,作為持續改善的參考,因此需要有一套標準或系統針對水利會的訓練制度進行評核,以保留優點改善缺失,不斷地檢討缺點並持續改善,作為未來更精進完善的參考。本研究採用質性研究的方法,就相關重要人士以半結構式訪談進行研究訪談逐字稿,利用紮根理論做資料分析,希望研究結果可以提供農水利會的教育訓練不斷改善精進的參考,進而協助水利會及其員工擁有一個更完善的人才發展與品質管理的訓練機制,提高現有員工的素質,讓水利會的員工皆能學以致用並結合職涯發展,展現員工應有的專業素養、技術與提高競爭力。 研究發現,水利會教育訓練需求分組織、工作以及個人三個層面進行。其中,組織需求跟法令面的關聯非常大且重要,因此,年度訓練計劃跟其他訓練流程比較起來相對做的比較完整。而工作分析和個人分析的部份,工作面多為了解工作範疇與權責的界定等問題,而個人需求的部分則是關注繁重的工作內容。雖然感覺教育訓練有一個大方向,可是在需要改善的工作績效或是個人之能力需求的部份,因僅將部分員工的需求意見納入訓練決策,訓練效果較為有限。另外,水利會有些核心訓練類別有做出一些特色,這是很值得給予肯定的地方,例如GIS地理資訊系統的推廣運用訓練課程以及以引水灌溉為主軸的訓練課程。可是水利會不是只有這些訓練需求,針對內外勤不同的需要,應可發展更多不同的課程,還有,講授法仍是主要的訓練方式,效果可能因此受限,學員的遴選攸關水利會員工行政效率與業務工作的執行品質甚鉅,應以更高的標準來遴選參訓的學員。 研究結果發現幾個層面的問題,水利會的需求調查在組織目標、工作需要與個人職能缺口三個層面,但其未能有效統合,導致教育訓練規劃與訓練目標的結合度不足,且經費規範限制多,所以目前的年度訓練計畫無法滿足所有訓練需求。另外,制度面也缺乏異常紀錄與預防因應措施管理辦法,同時,訓練成果評估的多元性與完整性未有效建立,無法提供訓練前後明顯的行為改變比較和具體的績效成長數據,以致於參訓員工難以發揮最大的學習效果,影響主管機關投入訓練經費的意願。因此,建議水利會落實調查、建立員工職涯職能資料庫以利培訓管理,建置教育訓練成效追蹤調查表,達到成果評估具體可證以及訓練流程持續改善精進的目的。總之,人才是水利會的資本,唯有完善的人才培訓制度,才能使員工與時俱進保持成長,達成體現水利會的存在價值及永續發展的目標。


The Irrigation Associations of all regions in Taiwan plays an important role on the execution of national-wide agricultural policy and maintenance of all the facilities of the associations. In order to improve the staff’s efficiency and their professionalism, it requires an evaluation standard or system on the assessment of the current training system. It is hoped that the standard of monitoring the training quality and measuring the results can help on the problem identification and preserve the advantages of the system for the improvement in the future.The qualitative research method is used in this study, which including semi-structured interviews for sampling and a solid theoretical data analysis. It is hoped that the study can be a useful reference to improve the staff training system in the Irrigation Associations. As result, the staff will apply their knowledge on the professions, develop the proper career path, and increase their working skill and competitiveness in a better way. The study found that the Irrigation Associations educational training needs are devided to organization, work, and person. Of three aspects mentioned above, the relevance between organization needs and decree is important. Therefore, comparing with other training procedure, the annual training plan is more intact. As to the part of work analysis and personal analysis, the aspect of working analysis is to realize problems of working category, the devision of rights responsibilities, and so on; and that the aspect of personal needs is to concentrate on the problem the employees face at work. It feels like there’s a general orientation of educational training, but the Irrigation Association only takes some employees’ advice into training decision, so it has limited effects on the part of improving the working performance and personal ability needs. Nevertheless, the Irrigation Association has made some efforts in some core training categories, For example, the training courses of GIS geographical internet system and training courses that focus on diversion irrigation. It is suggested that the Association can develop different kinds of courses for the internal and external staff. What’s more, the lecture method is still the main training method, the learning effect can be limited. The results of the study reveal several aspects of the problem. In terms of the training demands of the Associations, the lack of consideration altogether of the organization goals, the job requirement, and the staff’s insufficiency on skills leads to the dismatch between the training plan and training objectives. Due to many constraints on the budgets application, the supply of the annual training program couldn’t fulfill the demands. In addition, the course curriculum design and the execution of the course are neither handled by the process, nor monitored properly. There are no records of abnormal incidents and no prevention management approaches. In the meanwhile, the diversity and completion of the result evaluation is not effectively established. There is no behavior comparison of before-and-after training and no data collection of the performance growth after the training, so that there are no evidence to demonstrate the learning effectiveness, which impacts on the authority’s wishes of training funds. Therefore, it’s suggested that the Irrigation Associations conduct solid survey, establish staff career development and training database, which made for training management; building the education and training performance tracking survey, in order to achieve the objective of the solid outcomes assessment of consistent improvement of the training program. To sum up, talent is the capital of the Irrigation Associations. It takes a good and sophisticated talent training system to keep the staff grow in capabilities, and achieve the goal of showing the Irrigation Associations’ existing value and sustainable development.


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