  • 學位論文

國小自然科教師發展科技學科教學知識 之個案研究 —以「一起來賞月」單元為例—

A Case Study of Developing the TPACK of Elementary Science Teacher “Gazing at the Full Moon Together” as an Example

指導教授 : 張世忠


本研究旨在探討一位國小自然科教師如何在自然科教學呈現其科技學科教學知識(TPACK),藉以瞭解個案教師科技學科教學知識的原貌、發展與發展時所遭遇到的困境與限制。 研究者透過個案研究,以完全觀察者角色,觀察一位國小自然科教師在月亮單元的教學,以3D星空模擬軟體(Stellarium)作為探究個案教師科技學科教學知識之工具,從2010年9月到12月中旬,歷經三個多月,蒐集質性資料的來源有:半結構式訪談、課室教學觀察、教學相關資料、訪談學生與相關人員、個案教師日誌、研究者省思札記等,將原始資料加以組織、轉錄、彙整、系統化,進行類屬與情境分析,得到以下幾個研究發現: 一、個案教師科技學科教學知識之原貌: 在PCK方面:熟悉單元教材內容,請各組學童運用網路與圖書館資源蒐集有關月亮的資料,以圖片、簡報、示範活動等方式使學生易於瞭解單元內容,以學童的先備知識、生活經驗作為出發點,教學活動進行的指標為單元的教學目標,教師認為學生的提問是教學相長的重要因素。 個案教師原有的科技能力面貌:運用網路資源,掌握月出、月沒動態,調整教學活動,運用天文教學網站作為教材補充與教學表徵的擴充,將電子書、簡報、Flash動畫與教學影片等融入月亮單元教學。 在Cx方面:廣泛運用報章雜誌、網路、圖書館等資源充實教材內容,讓學生瞭解資訊科技在生活中的重要性,重視師生互動氣氛,營造快樂的學習情境,以多元評量的方式來檢驗教學成效。 二、個案教師科技學科教學知識之發展: 在TPK方面:個案教師融入Stellarium於月亮單元教學的發展過程,將Stellarium與其所熟悉的科技工具加以整合與運用。 在TCK方面:個案教師運用Stellarium模擬天文情境,以軟體上的星座圖繪功能來提昇學童的學習動機。 在TPACK方面:個案教師運用Stellarium克服現實情境中觀測月亮不便的問題,使抽象難懂的月亮單元變得具體簡易。 個案教師在教學實施過程中的自我反思,經由瞭解學生的先備知識、注重學生學習狀況與提問等正向回饋,進而強化其TPACK的發展。學校的資訊設備、硬體設施與兼任的行政工作等情境影響個案教師之TPACK。 三、發展時所遭遇的困境與限制: 個案教師在發展TPACK時所遭遇到的困境為在技術上與教材工具上的障礙,在課程方面與行政配合方面則遭遇到限制的問題。 給教師在發展TPACK時的四點建議:加強技術上的訓練、課程知識與資訊能力上的提昇、改良星空模擬軟體與促進教師反省機制。


The primary purpose of this study was to investigate how a natural science teacher in a primary school practiced the Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge(TPACK). This case study further probed into concepts of TPACK, key factors developing TPACK, and difficulties as to utilizing TPACK in the real teaching environment. The data was gathered from September to mid December 2010 in this case study. A natural science teacher utilized Stellarium, 3D simulation software, to assist in teaching the subject of “the moon’s movement”. In order to gain more insights from different stakeholders, the qualitative data were mainly collected from semi-structured interviews, the classroom teaching observation, teaching documents, interviews with students and relevant people, teaching daily records as well as researcher’s reflective journals. Through categorization and scenario analysis, several research findings were summarized as below: 1. With respect to the practice of a natural science teacher’ s TPACK: i. PCK:The teacher previewed the subject first and asked students to collect information about the moon on the Internet or at the library. The teacher not only designed teaching materials based on students’ life experiences and previous knowledge, but also used photographs, slides, and demonstration to facilitate learning. It was shown that teaching objectives were key indicators of arranging teaching activities. ii. The teacher’s technology capacities:The teacher utilized the Internet to know the real time movement of the moon and to plan teaching activities. Besides, e-books, slides, flash animations and movies on the astronomy website were commonly used to enhance teaching materials. iii. Cx:The teacher employed newspapers, magazines, the Internet and resources in the library to enrich teaching materials and facilitated students to realize the importance of information technology in the daily life. The teacher also tried to build an interactive and cheerful learning environment. Finally, the teacher evaluated learning outcomes with multiple assessments. 2. With respect to key factors influencing the development of TPACK: i. TPK:The teacher integrated Stellarium with other ICT tools, and applied them to teaching activities. ii. TCK:The teacher used the constellation illustration function to effectively raise students’ learning motivations. iii. TPACK:By using Stellarium to simulate the astronomical condition, the teacher facilitated students to overcome the difficulty of observing the moon in the real sky and to make the obscure subject easier to understand. iv. Through examining students’ previous knowledge, feedbacks and interaction during the class, and his teaching reflection, it was found that the teacher strengthened his TPACK. Moreover, the development of TPACK was also closely associated with conditions like the school’s ICT facilities, infrastructure and whether the teacher could be responsible for administrative duties at the school. 3. With respect to the application of TPACK to practical teachings, it was found that in addition to issues of curriculum arrangement and administrative coordination, a teacher could encounter technical difficulties and limitations of hardware resource. With particular to the development of TPACK, several key suggestions, such as offering teachers on-the-job trainings to improve their IT skills, advancing the celestial simulation software, as well as facilitating them to understand teaching subject and have further reflection, were provided in this study.


PCK TPACK Stellarium Case Study


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