  • 學位論文


A Model about Taiwan’s Manufacturing and Service Industry

指導教授 : 何瓊芳


台灣自國民政府遷台之後,實施一連串的土地改革及十大建設,故1960-1980年代台灣經濟快速起飛,其所創造的經濟奇蹟,讓台灣並列於亞洲四小龍之一。當時台灣產業結構也面臨重大轉折。在1960年代末期,傳統農業已逐漸沒落,工業取而代之成為經濟主要動力。在1980年代末期,服務業逐漸取代工業在經濟活動中的地位。至今台灣已全面邁向以服務業及工業並重的時代。故以製造業及服務業為台灣兩大主體產業。 本研究欲從事台灣製造業、服務業成長因子之探討。本文架構以Aschauer生產函數模式為理論基礎,研究中運用就業勞動力(L)與固定資本形成(K)兩個要素投入之外,另外還考量財政政策中的政府支出(G)及貨幣政策中的廣義貨幣供給(M2)加入模式中進行分析。且採用台灣1981年第二季至2007年第四季之時間序列資料,其研究方法包含使用ADF單根檢定、DF-GLS單根檢定及複迴歸分析分別探討台灣兩大產業之成長因子及各別之貢獻。 其相關迴歸模式實證結果顯示,台灣製造業成長因子係仰賴就業勞動力(L),因台灣早期的製造業以代工起家,故勞動力是製造業最大的資產。且又發現早期台灣之專業技術尚未發展成熟,使得固定資本形成(機器設備)與製造業成長因子較無相關性。而對台灣服務業而言,根據其迴歸模式實證結果顯示,台灣服務業成長因子係仰賴固定資本形成(K),其原因為服務業機器設備不斷改進,使得品質及數量同步上升。且依據Baumol定理檢視台灣服務業,其可發現台灣服務業可能正面臨此困境。財政政策中的政府支出與貨幣政策中的廣義貨幣供給量都與兩大產業的成長因子無任何顯著相關。


Since the establishment of Nationalist government in Taiwan, the Taiwanese government has taken a series of policies such as the Land Reform and Ten Major Constructions policies that helped Taiwan’s economic growth from 1960 to 1980s and in turn has made Taiwan one of four dragons in Asia. Taiwan industrial structure has also experienced major transformations in these periods. Toward the end of 1960s, traditional agricultural sector faded and the industrial sector began major engine of the economy. In the end of 1980s, the service sector began to rise which became an important sector in the economy. Now Taiwan enters an era that both the industrial and service sectors are on equal weight. This research analyzes the growth factors of Taiwan’s manufacturing and service sectors. The research framework is based on the Aschauer production function by using variables of labor force(L)and fixed capital formation(K). in addition, the study takes government expenditure(G) in the fiscal policy and broad money supply(M2) in the monetary policy into analysis. The data is collected from the second quarter of 1981 to the fourth quarter of 2007. We use unto root test(ADF), DF-GLS unit root tests, and multiple regression analysis to explore the contribution of those factors on Taiwan’s manufacturing and service sectors. The multiple regression results show that Taiwan’s manufacturing sector relies heavily on the labor force because the industry was based on the original equipment manufacturing in the earlier stage which the labor force was the largest asset. In the earlier stage, the professional skills was not fully developed with made the fixed capital formation and the growth factor not related. As for Taiwan’s service sector, the multiple regression results show that Taiwan’s service sector relies heavily on the fixed capital formation. The reason for the continuous improvement of service industry machinery and equipment , making the quality and quantity rise. According to Baumol theory proposition it could fall into the Baumol Theory dilemma. The government expenditure(G)and broad money supply(M2) shows no significant relations in both sectors.


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