  • 學位論文


The Influence of Brand Equity and Customer Relationship Quality on Customer Purchasing Behavior– Example of Import Hardware Business in Taiwan Market


摘要 本研究將以B2B(Business to Business)的角度,探討在國內進口五金的市場中,透過企業對品牌權益的經營,以及人員銷售中不可或缺的顧客關係品質的維繫,參考品牌忠誠度中包含再購意願、價格容忍、交叉購買及顧客推薦意願等四個衡量構面,所延伸出的實務上顧客採購行為是否產生影響,並由此進一步驗證品牌權益及顧客關係品質對顧客採購行為的影響程度。 本研究以全台灣約270間公司組織為對象,其中主要產業分布有鋼鐵業、石化業、模具業、電子業、食品加工業、機械組裝業及設備維護業等輕重工業,並且分別針對北、中、南不同行政區域採用問卷抽樣進行調查,總共發出300份問卷,回收樣本數為295份,回收率98.33%,剔除填答不全及回答問卷答案完全一樣者,有效樣本為274份,有效樣本回收率為92.88%。根據所需之研究目的,利用SPSS 12.0及AMOS 16.0套裝軟體來執行適當的統計分析,其方法包括了敘述性統計分析、驗證性因素分析及線性結構方程式之整體模型分析等,藉以探討品牌權益及顧客關係品質對顧客採購行為的影響與關聯性。 根據本研究之資料統計分析所得到的結果發現,品牌權益及顧客關係品質,皆會直接正向影響顧客採購行為,並且也會直接正向影響顧客採購行為中的四個次要構面,包含再購意願、價格容忍、交叉購買及顧客推薦意願。


Abstract This research will be with B2B view, probe into the influence of customer purchasing behavior and four dimensions which are referred to the indicator of brand loyalty: repurchase intension, price tolerance, cross-purchase behavior and customer willingness to recommend will be made through brand equity management and the relation quality or not. Then test and verify the degree of purchasing behavior influence on brand equity and customer relation quality in import hardware market in Taiwan market. In this research, about 270 companies in Taiwan were sampling surveyed by questionnaire, including the steel and metal industry, petrochemical industry, mold industry, electronic industry, food processing industry, mechanical assembly operations and equipment maintenance industry. The total issued questionnaires were 300 piece and 295 samples were returned. The return rate was 98.33%. Excluding incomplete ones, and exactly the same as those who respond to the questionnaire answers, 274 valid samples, the effective sample return rate was 92.88%. According to the research required, the software package of SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 16.0 will be used to perform the statistical analysis. The method was include a descriptive statistical analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation analysis of the whole model, to examine the influence of purchasing behavior on brand equity and customer relation quality. According to the result of this study, Brand Equity and Customer relation quality has both partly positive influences for purchasing behavior and would be include the four sub-dimensions, customer repurchasing intension, customer price tolerance, customer cross-purchase behavior, customer willingness to recommend as well.


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