  • 學位論文


A Study of Injury Causation in Disputable Food Safety Consumer Cases

指導教授 : 陳乃瑜


食安爭議事件與我們生活息息相關,本文自消費者事後求償的角度探討食安爭議事件,消費者向企業經營者或食品業者請求損害賠償時,可能遇到損害與因果關係難以證明之問題,而本論文試圖透過美國毒物侵權訴訟和日本公害訴訟發展出之理論,提供我國食安爭議訴訟新思考,使消費者不致因請求權罹於時效或民事訴訟法上負擔舉證責任,而陷入無法求償的困境。本文共分成六章說明。 第一章「緒論」說明本論文研究的動機與目的,界定本文研究範圍與所採用的研究方法。 第二章「食安爭議事件消費者救濟之困難性」,自塑化劑判決出發,藉由該判決發現在現行我國法制下,消費者向食品業者求償可能發生的困難有損害與因果關係難以證明的問題,本章探討實體法的請求權基礎與訴訟法上舉證責任之分配法則。 第三章「損害之認定與證明」,基於「無損害即無賠償」的法則,食安爭議事件中消費者求償面臨的困境之一為實際損害尚未發生而導致無法賠償,故本文參酌國內公害判決與美國毒物侵權訴訟提出之新型態損害概念,只要原告能證明受有「精神上痛苦」、「染色體破壞」或「增加罹病危險」之損害,即可獲賠「醫療監控費用」,再以法院管理基金的模式,支付醫療監控費用給原告。 第四章「因果關係之認定與證明」,攝取食品進入體內所產生的作用因人而異,有毒食品與消費者所受損害間之因果關係難以證明,本文以日本四大公害事件中,實務發展出之「蓋然性因果關係說」、「間接反證說」及「疫學因果關係說」作為我國食安爭議事件的參考方向。 第五章「重構我國食安爭議事件之損害與因果關係認定與證明之標準」,本章係將第三章與第四章所探討之外國法引進我國,並假設外國法於我國法上適用可能面臨的問題,並提出解決方法,引進美國法上法院管理基金及修法建議。 第六章則為結論,彙整本篇論文研究之重點作為總結。


Nowadays, food safety dispute has much to do with people’s daily life. This thesis illustrated the difficult position between the damage and causation, when consumer alleged that business operators and food businesses have liability for compensation on their damages of hindsight. Also, it provided new perspectives based on the American toxic tort suits and Japanese environmental pollution suits for Taiwanese food safety litigation. Hope consumer won’t struggle with the problem in the statute of limitations and the burden of proof in civil procedure. Chapter 1 is -“Introduction”. It described the motive and purpose of this thesis, and limited the field of research and methodology. Chapter 2 is -“The difficulty in food safety relief to consumer”. It started from discover the predicament when consumer asked compensation from food businesses in Taiwan Plasticizer case, to analyze the mess of the damages and causations. Then, this chapter probed into the cause of action in substantive law and the partition law on the burden of proof in civil procedure. Chapter 3 is -“The determination and proof of damages”. Based on the principle of “ present injury requirement”, consumer was hard to ask the compensation because the damage had not happened. So, this thesis referred to the “new pattern of damage concept”, which was mentioned in some judgments of Taiwanese environment pollution suits and American toxic tort suits. According to this concept, plaintiff could get the compensation of medical fee by proving his/her “mental anguish”, ”chromosome breakage”, or “increase diseases risk”. Then, the court will take this compensation as a court-administered fund, to pay the medical fee to the plaintiffs. Chapter 4 is -“The determination and proof of causation”. Because the absorption of food in human body was differ from each one, the causal relation between the poisoned food and the damages of consumer was hard to be proved. Therefore, this thesis introduced some theories, such as “causation in of probability”, “effect and indirect disproof” and “Causation in epidemiology”, which were developed from the top four environmental pollution suits in Japan judicial practices, to give suggestion to Taiwanese food safety disputes. Chapter 5 is -“Reconstruction of the standard in determination and proof of causation in Taiwan food safety disputes”. This chapter discussed other countries’ regulations as the chapter 3 and 4 stated, and assumed those regulations whether suitable in Taiwanese situation or not. Besides, it recommended the function of court-administered fund in US law system, and suggested legislation amendment proposals, too. Chapter 6 is -“Conclusion”. And chapter 6 is the summary of this thesis.


駱永家,民事訴訟法 I,三民書局,修訂9版(1999)。


