  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the Strategies of Teaching Mandarin Tones to Japanese Learners of Chinese at the Basic Level

指導教授 : 黃麗儀


聲調存在於每個華語語音,具有區辨語意的作用,溝通時如果聲調錯誤,可能曲解彼此語意,造成誤會。外籍學習者不論在何種階段,聲調都是學習華語時的一大難點。故在初級階段時,教師便應鞏固學習者在每個聲調的掌握,避免日後洋腔洋調的問題。   本研究為探討以日語重音和語調的教學策略,對於日籍初級華語學習者聲調偏誤的改善情形。蒐集兩個年度日籍初級學習者的語料,第一年做前導研究,以偏誤分析法分析學習者在單音節的偏誤;再以第二年的學習者做為正式研究對象,同樣蒐集語料分析單音節和雙音節的偏誤。學習者的單音節聲調偏誤比例以第三聲為最,其次依序為第二聲、第一聲、第四聲;雙音節的偏誤則是以第三聲為詞首的聲調組合最多。   以此結果為依據設計針對性教案,先利用音樂的音高概念幫助學習者掌握調值,再以日語中和華語四個聲調相近的重音和語調作教學,最後針對第三聲進行練習。教學後再次蒐集語料,並以問卷和訪談了解學習者的學習成果。   多數學習者認為本研究所設計的教學方式能夠幫助自己掌握聲調;少數學習者由於使用方言,無法利用此方法做有效地練習。另外,本論文在第三聲的單音節教學是讓學習者練習214調值,在前後測的語料對比上,學習者的偏誤已有改善,但教學後的問卷中,有些學習者對於第二聲和第三聲還是無法分辨,故在第三聲的教學上還是應以21調值做主要練習重點。本論文的研究結果希望能作為華語教師們未來在聲調教學時的參考。


Every Chinese word has a clearly defined tone associated with it to distinguish characters with the same sound from each other. Chinese is a tone language and tone operates lexically to vary meaning. A tonal error may lead to something embarrassing, offensive or misinterpreted. Almost every foreign learner of Mandarin claims the difficulties in learning tones. Thus, at the early language learning, Mandarin instructors shall teach students how to become familiar with identifying tones and how to vocalize the tones in individual words.   The study examines how to use the accent and intonation of Japanese to reduce tonal errors made by Japanese students of learning Mandarin. Two separate academic years of Japanese students of Mandarin beginner are participated in this research. First, a pilot study was conducted in 2012 which focused on the students’ tonal errors with monosyllabic characters. Then, using 2013 students be the major study subjects. Data about tonal errors with monosyllabic and disyllabic characters were collected and analyzed. With monosyllabic characters, the study confirmed the difficulty of tone 3, followed by tone 2, tone 1 and tone 4. Tone errors were often found with tone 3 disyllabic characters which are the first word of a phrase.   Lesson plans were designed based on the findings of the study. First of all, pitch in music was used to help students develop the tone number, and then applied the accent and intonation of Japanese that are similar to Mandarin four tones in teaching. Lastly, special exercises were assigned to tone 3. The data were collected at the end of teaching, and the study analyzed learners’ tonal performance using interviews and questionnaires.   Most learners agree that the teaching method help them to control the tones, but this is not an effective way for dialect speakers. Meanwhile, special exercises assigned to tone 3 in the study also include the practice of 214 tone number. Though the pretest-posttest measurements do show tonal errors are reduced, the questionnaires show there are students getting confused very easily between tone 2 and tone 3. The study attempts to provide data summaries and recommendations that can be used by Mandarin teachers.




