  • 學位論文


Long-term imprisonment is the best treatment of recidivism? - Rethinking long-term incarceration from the theory of incapacitation.

指導教授 : 徐偉群


從刑法第四十七條對累犯加重處罰、第七十七條累犯假釋的適用條件,以及2005年刑法修法動態,發現我國對累犯有重刑化取向。該次修法引入三振法案的精神,並命名為寬嚴並進的刑事政策。然而,從三振法案或寬嚴並進的刑事政策背景來看,實際上是一種重刑化政策。經過包裝的這種政策取向下的犯罪處遇規定,如重罪三犯不得假釋,是一種立足於矯治無效理論下的政策思考;直言之,就是以隔離為目的之長期刑處遇方式。本文的目標即在反省此種以隔離主義為思想基礎的政策和隔離效果,究竟如何評價的問題。   長期刑在刑罰的運用上,可分為兩種模式,矯治主義與隔離主義。長期隔離犯罪者的思考,從1974年Martinson發表的矯治無效論成為風潮,也促使美國失去對矯治制度的信賴,選擇用嚴厲的刑罰來取代矯治犯罪者。然而在矯治無效論發表後,引起許多犯罪學家的反駁,指出Martinson的論點有誤之處,並相繼的提出實證數據證明矯治犯罪者是有效果的。於該報告發表五年後,Martinson自己也推翻原先的結論,並不斷地強調矯治犯罪者是有效果的,並呼籲使刑罰重回矯治犯罪者之模式,但顯然並未影響當局的刑事政策,致使有三振法案之誕生。   同樣是面對高犯罪率的現象,美國與德國選擇了不同的處遇模式來回應犯罪問題,值得我們去深入研究。美國採行嚴厲監禁的刑事政策,強調消極隔離犯罪者;德國則是重視犯罪者是否得以再社會化,以矯治教化為刑罰執行核心,將此二國執行結果予以比較,發現其實嚴厲的監禁政策並沒有辦法降低犯罪率,反而不斷地提高監禁人口。因此我國刑法修法僅是一昧效仿美國政策,並未檢討本身的問題,選擇以忽視與迴避的態度對之。   這樣的處遇方式使得累犯以長期監禁於監獄之中,實際上僅收監禁之效果,犯罪者本身並未有改善。故執政者應戮力去檢討對累犯的處遇方式為何,實際的去著手改善我國假釋制度、矯治處遇制度與管理上之缺失。雖然近來司法院有建議刪除累犯加重處罰之制度,但在未刪除前,應使累犯處遇之方式回歸至矯治模式,予以積極矯治教化。再者,我國向來缺乏實證數據和研究結果,過於依賴複製他國的立法例,以及對政策實施僅有空想,故應著重於深化國內的犯罪學研究,使修法或立法可更貼近所需。


From article 47, article 77, and the procedure of amendment of Criminal Law in 2005, we found that our government was taking serve attitude on recidivism, adopted Three-strikes Law in the name of “bipolar criminal policy”. Nevertheless, it is an actually harsh policy. For instance, a three-striker who lastly committed a felony can not apply with parole. Such policy was based on the presumption that corrections do not work. To its core, the long-term imprisonment’s destination is to incapacitate the prisoner. The goal of this thesis is to review the policy which was based on incapacitation theory and its effect, and to decide how we shall value it. The long-term imprisonment could be divided into two models. One is the model of rehabilitation, the other is incapacitation. After Martinson released the Nothing-works report in 1974, there has been many opposing comments and evidences. However, Americans abandoned criminals due to the report. Although Martinson withdrew his conclusion, appealed to back to rehabilitation, it did not impact on the established criminal policy. The United States and Germany met the same situation of the high rate of crime, but they chose the different ways to solve their own problems. American chose the harsh policy, emphasized the incapacitation. Germany paid attention on the rehabilitation of criminals. They knew the harsh policy which Americans chose could not lower the rate of crime. Taiwan has just learned and copied the American policy, but neglected the problems which we met. The long-term imprisonment of treatment on repeat offenders only brings the incapacitation effect to us, could not work on criminals. The governors should take step to review the treatment, especially on recidivism, and to improve our parole and correction systems. We shall go back to the model of rehabilitation, and deepen the study of criminology in our country rather than only depend on copying others.




