  • 學位論文


Modernization of Architecture and Development of Taipei City after World War II in Taiwan:A Case Study on Zhunghua Shopping Yard

指導教授 : 殷寶寧 蔣雅君


中華商場位於台北市中華路上,在1961年4月落成,1992年10月拆除。中華商場承載著許多台北人共同記憶,但其建物本身是否沒有保存價值而遭到拆除?本文試圖以中華商場為例,探討現代建築對於都市發展及建築現代化的意義。 本文第三章梳理商場興建到拆除的過程,從清代城牆、日治時期三線道、戰後國民政府遷台的臨時棚攤、1961年改建為鋼筋混凝土、簡潔方正量體的現代化建築,到1992年中華商場拆除後闢建的林蔭大道,反映了不同時空下的政治、經濟、技術、空間思維與決策過程,所促成的空間重塑。第四章則從現代建築的角度切入,探討其設計者趙楓不同作品(1960-1968)的建築實踐,以及對中華商場的建築形式分析。此外,也從商業、衛生機能的面向,探討建築與生活形式的沿續。第五章與國際現代建築保存運動(Docomomo)對照,論證中華商場符合現代建築保存的評估標準。 本文對中華商場的探討,可與戰後台灣現代建築的學術界對話。戰後第一代大陸籍建築師在1960年代民生建築需求下,有其解決社會問題的關懷,是否將其建築內涵視為對西方機能主義的表面模仿,本文認為應以在地環境下現代建築的探索與創造來重新審視,而有不一樣的答案。對於中華商場被冠上「台北盲腸」「都市之瘤」等責難,除了需回到興建時的物質條件,本文認為不應將其視為是不現代的羞恥,進而看到參與者曾經的努力和斡旋,才能重新肯定自身的歷史感與主體性。最後,回到中華商場案例中,其建築的價值無法被看見的問題,是現代建築共同面臨的重大危機,也是本文欲指出的重要問題。


Zhunghua Shopping Yard was localed at Zhonghua Road in Taipei, which was built in April 1961 and demolished in October 1992. It was an important building in the process of the architectural modernization in Taiwan. Meanwhile, the Yard itself bears citizens’ collective memory quite a lot. This thesis explored the multiple meanings of the Yard from the point of view of modern architecture, urban development and modernization of architecture. The historical context and the building process of Yard was investigated from the making of the Zhonghua Road from the walls of the Qing Dynasty, the three lane road of the Japanese colonial period, to the KMT Government moved to Taiwan, squatting-building after the World-War-II and built the Yard in 1961. That built which like simple-square was Reinforced-concrete(RC) construction what was one of the main feature of modern architecture. It was demolished in 1992. This history reflects the processes of space remodeling that political, economic, technological, spatial-thought and decision-making under different generations. The architectural practice of the Yard case architect Zhao Feng. In the fifth chapter, we refer the Documentation and Conservation of the Modern Movement (Docomomo) to demonstrate that Yard was compliance with standard of modern architecture conservation. In sum, the case of Yard can dialogue with the academic community of the modern architecture after WWII in Taiwan. The first generation of architects who was from Mainland China after WWII was built for solving social problems that the people's life needs. It seemed as a surface imitation from Western functionalism. However, if we should focus on the exploration and creation of modern buildings with the localization in Taiwan, we might have different answers. After 1980s, 20 years after its completion, the Yard was called "Taipei Appendix" and "Urban tumors". We need to return to the context when it just built, then it should not rather be considered to be shame without modern, then to see the efforts of participants. Besides, we can hold ours history and reflexivity. Such as the case of Yard, the value of the modern building hasn't been seen. That is not only crisis of all modern buildings, but also the core problematic of this thesis.


