  • 學位論文


A Study on the Quality of Professional Teachers at Food and Beverage Management Department in Vocational High School

指導教授 : 楊百世


本研究旨在了解高職餐飲管理科專業教師素質之相關情形,分析探討不同背景之高職餐飲管理科專業教師在教師素質內涵的重要性認知、現況表現及其差異情形,並根據研究結果,分別對教育行政機關、學校教師以及後續研究提出建議。本研究採取「問卷調查法」,以普查的方式將全台87所設有餐飲管理科學校之餐飲管理科專業教師列為研究對象,共計發放928份問卷,回收有效樣本數為585份,回收可用率63%。運用敘述性統計分析、相依樣本單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本t檢定分析與成對樣本t檢定分析等統計方法進行資料處理與假設驗證。經研究分析結果,或下列主要結論: 一、高職餐飲管理科專業教師素質其背景多數在政府規範門檻以上。 二、高職餐飲管理科專業教師在整體教師素質內涵的「重要性認知」與「現況表現」皆呈中上程度,且「重要性認知」高於「現況表現」。 三、不同「教育程度」、「任職於餐飲管理科年資」、「現任職務」、「學校性質」、「學校所在地區」、「進修現況」與「技術證照持有」的高職餐飲管理科專業教師對教師素質內涵的「重要性認知」有顯著差異。 四、不同「畢業科系」、「任職於餐飲管理科年資」、「學校性質」、「教師資格」、「進修現況」與「技術證照持有」的高職餐飲管理科專業教師對教師素質內涵的「現況表現」有顯著差異。


This study focused on the quality of professional teachers at Food and Beverage Management Department in vocational high schools in Taiwan. This study analyzed and investigated the difference between the importance and performance of professional teacher’s quality in Food and Beverage Management Department of vocational high schools. Based upon the findings, this study provided recommendations to education administrations and organizations, school teachers and future research plans. The research method included doing questionnaires. Of the returned 585 questionnaires from a matrix of 928 professional teachers from Food and Beverage Management Department in vocational high schools in Taiwan, 63% was valid. Statistical techniques including descriptive statistics, two-way ANOVA, one-way ANOVA, independent-samples t test and paired-samples t test were used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses. The conclusions are as below: 1.The background of professional teachers at Food and Beverage Management Department in vocational high schools is mostly above government standard. 2.It was shown an upper medium level on importance and performance of teacher quality; also, the importance of teacher quality was significantly higher than the performance of professional teachers at Food and Beverage Management Department in vocational high school. 3.Significant difference was found in the importance of professional teacher quality dimensions by professional teachers at Food and Beverage Management Department in vocational high school with different background such as level of education, seniority, position, types of institute, region of institute, advanced studies status and certificate qualification. 4.Significant difference was found in the performance of professional teacher quality dimensions by professional teachers at Food and Beverage Management Department in vocational high school with different background such as major, seniority, types of institute, teacher qualification, advanced studies status and certificate qualification.




