  • 學位論文


Exploring the Relaxtionships among Motivation Burnout and Career choice with Self-Determination Theory – An Example of Hospitality and Tourism Univerisity Interns

指導教授 : 陳紫玲


本研究旨在瞭解現今觀光餐旅科實習生其工作動機、工作倦怠與畢業後職涯選擇之現況,進而建立觀光餐旅科實習生工作動機、工作倦怠及畢業後職涯選擇三項間因果關係模式,以此結果對學校、觀光餐旅產業界及觀光餐旅系科實習生提出實務建議。   本研究針對餐旅服務學類校及觀光休閒學類校外實習生做抽樣調查,共得有效樣本545份,以此資料進行量化統計分析驗證本研究之假設。   研究結果發現,工作動機及工作倦怠呈負相關;工作動機及未來傾向投入觀光餐旅產業成正相關;工作倦怠及未來傾向投入觀光餐旅產業成負相關;工作倦怠及未來不傾向投入觀光餐旅產業成正相關。在預測力方面,無動機、外部調節、內攝調節、認同調節及內在動機對情緒衰竭具預測力;認同調節、及整合調節對去人性化具預測力;外部調節、認同調節、整合調節及內在動機對個人成就感低落具預測力;無動機、外部調節、認同調節、整合調節及內在動機對工作倦怠具預測力;內在動機對未來傾向投入觀光餐旅產業具預測力;無動機對未來不傾向投入觀光餐旅產業具預測力;個人成就感低落對未來傾向投入觀光餐旅產業具預測力;情緒衰竭、去人性化及個人成就感低落對未來不傾向投入觀光餐旅產業具預測力;整體而言本研究模型配適度良好,各變項間亦有顯著解釋力。   最後,根據研究結果提供學生、觀光餐旅相關學校、觀光餐旅產業及未來研究相關建議,以期能對餐旅觀光產、學界有所助益。


The purpose of this study was to understand the real situation of hospitality and tourism students’ work motivation, job burnout and the future willingness to work in the hospitality and tourism industry. And then to construct and verify the relationship of hospitality and tourism students’ work motivation, job burnout and career choices’ model. Further, making suggestions for the application to the interns , school, and the hospitality and tourism industry. The sample of interns were collected from the college of Hospitality and tourism, and applied quantitative analysis to verify this study purpose. The finding of this study confirm work motivation and job burnout had negative correlation; work motivation and willindness to stay in the hospitality and tourism industry has positive correlation; job burnout and non-willingness to stay in the hospitality and tourism industry has positive correlation. The aspect of prediction, amotivation, external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation, intrinsic motivation had the best prediction toward emotional exhaustion; identified regulation, integrated regulation had the best prediction toward depersonalzation; amotivation, external regulation, identified regulation, integrated regulation had the best prediction toward diminished personal accomplishment; amotivation, external regulation, identified regulation, integrated regulation and intrinsic motivation had the best prediction toward job burnout ; intrinsic motivation had the best prediction toward willingness to stay in the hospitality and tourism industry ; amotivation had the best prediction toward non-willingness to stay in the hospitality and tourism industry; diminished personal accomplishment had the best prediction toward willingness to stay in the hospitality and tourism industry ; emotional exhaustion, depersonalzation and diminished personal accomplishment had the best prediction toward non-willingness to stay in the hospitality and tourism industry. Afterwards, the model of this study can be established to demonstrate relationship of work motivation, job burnout and they future willingness to work in the hospitality and tourism industry. Accordind to the finding, the study makes some suggestions for college students, hospitality and tourism school, hospitality and tourism industry and future studies. The suggestions will benefit the related stakeholder.


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