  • 學位論文


The Creation for the Image of Shadow Puppet — The Cultural Product Design as Example

指導教授 : 鄧成連


台灣三大偶戲之皮影戲、布袋戲與傀儡戲中,皮影戲的戲偶以其鏤刻造形、敷色技術,與結合光影投射的表演形式,成就其特殊的藝術風格。然而現今電影、電視及網路等新興媒體運用普及化,充滿聲光刺激的感官娛樂隨手可得,傳統戲劇的觀眾大量流失。在競爭激烈與瞬息萬變的商業機制下,原以娛樂大眾為主的表演藝術,如果無法與新興的娛樂媒體抗衡,勢必只能成為小眾文化,甚至無法存活,必須一直仰賴政府扶持維生。 本研究以其他文化商品成功案例做為借鏡,探討如何尋找皮影戲的視覺元素與象徵意涵,導入文化商品設計流程,開發符合消費者期待之文化創意商品,另探索皮影戲除戲劇展演領域之外,期能在消費市場中創造經濟價值的可能性。 本創作論文之論述架構,主要藉由創作動機與目的進行探討,在文獻探討中並藉由對文化創意產業政策整理、皮影偶之視覺造型特色分析、文化創意商品設計模式與相關文化商品案例分析等主要部份進行探討,由此歸納分析出文化創意商品設計所需考量的設計思考層次,分別為外在感覺層次、中間使用者行為模式、內在核心的文化意涵與價值。而透過將此思考層次導入設計流程加以探討,並建議設計工作者於進行文化商品開發時,必須先調查與理解文化內涵之特徵,再考量商品的使用者觀點與機能,最後以具體而富有美感的外在造形將商品設計實現。經理論之研究探討後,後期設計創作以台灣傳統皮影戲藝術為內在核心的文化意涵與價值,透過商品設計流程,探索適合皮影戲的商品設計表現形式,並且考量使用者功能性需求,最後以視覺造形呈現出設計成果。


There are three main puppet theater art forms in Taiwan: shadow puppet show, palmar drama, and string puppet show. Among these different puppet shows, shadow puppet achieves its special art style for the carving shape, color applying technique and the combination of shadow and light reflection performing style. The new generation media (such as movies and TV) has been popularized nowadays. It's very easy to access various of entertainment that brings people sensory excitement, which results in decreasing great amount of traditional theater audience. Under the current competitive and constantly changing business system, these performing art that aims for entertainment will lose their stage over new entertainment media form. The audience will be shrinking and the art culture will not even be survived unless they get the support from the government. This study takes successful cultural products case as example, discussing how to find the visual element and symbolic meaning of shadow puppet and apply the result in the cultural product design process and developing cultural creative product that matches consumer's preference. Other than exploring shadow puppet theater area, we also explore the possibility of creating economical value in the market. The theme of this thesis will discuss creation motives and purpose. By analyzing cultural creative industry policies, shadow puppet visual shape features cultural creative product design model and related cultural product case analysis, this study summarizes the thinking levels that designing cultural creative product needs. The levels are external look level, the user behavior mode and inner culture meaning and value. Besides applying these thinking levels to design process and explore with it. We can also recommend designer to survey the culture feature and then think about usability and functionality and finally realize and execute the product design with concrete shape and beauty before developing their cultural product. After discussing in this study, the final stage of the creation should be taking Taiwan traditional shadow puppet art as inner core of culture meaning and value. Through the product design process, we can explore the best presenting form of shadow puppet product design and taking usability into consideration, further come to design result with great visual look.


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