  • 學位論文


Leveraging on Program Change Theory to Examine Teachers’ Professional Development Paths— Three Case Schools in High Scope Science Curriculum Program

指導教授 : 張俊彥


本研究試著探究高瞻計畫中的教師專業發展途徑以及影響因素,因此應用Weiss提出之方案改變理論,以三所參與高瞻計畫之學校進行文件分析以及訪談,藉以瞭解教師參與此計畫的實際專業發展歷程。本研究先以文件分析的方式來建立方案改變理論,設計訪談問題,並至研究學校先後對17位參與教師進行訪談,由訪談資料來分析方案中的教師專業發展。 本研究依照質性資料分析可得以下結論: 一、在方案中教師專業發展的途徑可歸納出四個階段,分別為摸索與規劃、同儕交流與尋求專家、應用習得知識與技能於教學,維持習得的知識與技能。 (一)摸索與規劃的階段主要活動為擬訂計畫與團隊協調分工 (二)同儕交流與尋求專家的階段主要活動為由計畫成員間的相互交流,並透過會議協調工作、尋求專業或科教專家以及參與研習 (三)應用習得知識與技能於教學階段為發展符合學生的背景的課程以及在課程中教學模式的突破 (四)教師透過將發展教材融入一般課程或推廣活動來維持執行方案中所習得的知識與技能 二、專業學習社群的領導型態影響了教師專業發展在初期計畫擬訂與成員的組織,而專業學習社群中團隊合作的形式有助於打破教師間的孤島文化進而提升專業發展的成效 (一)專業學習社群的領導型態影響教師專業發展在初期計畫擬訂與成員的組織 (二)專業學習社群中團隊合作的形式增強了教師同儕間的連結與交流 三、教師的自我瞭解促進了教師對自我角色與功能的認定並促使教師進行專業發展與突破教學模式 (一)教師瞭解到自身的不足進而願意持續學習進行專業發展 (二)教師瞭解到自己應該是課堂中的引導者因而突破教學模式


The purpose of this study was to investigate how high teachers went through the professional development process and the influencing factors for curriculum development in the High Scope program. Following Weiss’ (2000) program change theory, we first developed an analysis framework to serve as a theoretical professional development path; following the actual professional development the high school teachers were examined for comparison. Research data were collected from three high schools and analyzed by interviewing 17 teachers who participated in the High Scope program. The study resulted in the following conclusions: First, teacher professional development of the program can be divided into four stages: decision-making and formation of the project goals, peer exchange and seeking assistance from academic experts, application of the knowledge and skills learned in teaching practice, and maintain the skill and knowledge of the curriculum. (A) The main activities of the first stage are making plan, coordination and dividing the works. (B) The main activities of the second stage are peer exchange through meetings, and seeking professional or science education experts. (C) In the third stage, the participant teachers developed curriculum according to students' background and change their teaching method. (D) In the fourth stage, the participant teachers spread the developed teaching materials to others or integrated the teaching materials and teaching methods into the general curriculum. Second, the leadership style affected the first stage of teacher professional development. Teamwork of professional learning communities helps to deprive individual practice and enhance the effectiveness of teacher professional development. (A) The leadership style of professional learning community affect the decision-making and formation of the project goals of the teachers’ professional development. (B) The teamwork of professional learning community enhanced links between teachers and peer exchange, and enhanced the effectiveness of teacher professional development. Third, the teacher's self-understanding promotes teachers to find their roles in their classrooms and their function to improve student learning. (A)Teachers understood their limits of teaching knowledge and skill. The understanding promotes teachers’ continuing learning for professional development. (B) Teachers understood their role of guiding students to learn. The understanding helps the teachers to change their past teaching method.




