  • 學位論文


The Impact on Political Change by Environmental Movements, as an Example of R.O.C. from 1980 to 2002.

指導教授 : 黃城


政治變遷是各種社會運動的過程及產物,以環境保護運動來檢視中華民國過去二十年來的政治變遷,將有助於未來環境保護運動與政治變遷的互動。本論文企圖透過探討環境保護運動對我國近二十年來政治變遷的影響,描繪出環境保護運動在我國政治變遷版圖上的地位與重要性。舉凡政治變遷中重要的領域:如利益團體、政黨政治、選舉制度、公共政策……等層面都有環境保護運動的身影。 其次,有鑑於環境保護運動經常只是政治變遷之前的裝飾品與經濟發展成功之後的附屬品,這種不合理的現象,嚴重戕害了弱勢族群與後代子孫的生存權益,因此本文也希望為今後的環境保護運動找出政治上的施力點,重新定位再出發。 最後,筆者期盼藉由分析過去環境保護運動成功與失敗的經驗,及其轉化為政治變遷動力的過程,歸納出詳細而具體的評論,並希望這些評論能引起同行學者更公開的討論,使其對我國在二十一世紀的政治變遷中,有實質的幫助與借鏡,這就是我最好的回報。


Political change is processes and results of social movements. To evaluate the political change in past two decades of R.O.C. by environmental movements, will be helpful to the interaction between environmental movements and political change. This dissertation tries to describe the position and importance of environmental movements in the drawing of political change through a deep research on how environmental movements influenced the political change in past two decades. There are involving records of environmental movements in political change, such as interest groups, party politics, election system, public policies…etc. Secondly, according to environmental movements usually become the decoration ahead of environmental movements and an accessory behind economical development. The unreasonable effect seriously harmed the survival rights of weakness groups and our adolescents. That’s why this dissertation hopes to find out a breakthrough point and make the environmental movements redeparture. Finally, I expect to analyze both of the past experiences of the environmental movements and the transferring processes of political change, to induce a real and detailed comments. It’s my best reward that those comments above mentioned could arouse more openly discussing by the same profession scholars and is really helpful, meaningful to political change of my country in twenty-one century.


Lin, K. M. (2007). 2000年台灣政黨輪替後社會運動團體之轉型-以台灣環境保護聯盟(TEPU)為例 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2910200810560393
