  • 學位論文


The Effects on Learning of Nervous System Concepts with Graphic Organizer Teaching Strategy for Junior High Students

指導教授 : 楊文金


本研究旨在發展有效的圖像組織架構教學策略,以幫助學生釐清神經系統概念之間的關係,並探討圖像組織架構教學策略對國中學生學習相關概念的影響。本研究以臺北市某公立國中七年級六個班級154位學生為對象,採準實驗研究法,隨機將三個班級(N=85)做為實驗組,實施圖像組織架構教學策略(graphic organizer teaching strategy,簡稱GO教學策略);另三個班級(N=69)做為對照組,進行傳統教學策略(traditional teaching strategy,簡稱TD教學策略)。研究流程包括前測、教學處置、後測、結構式晤談及延後測四個部分,所使用的研究工具包括神經系統單元自編教材、教學媒體教材、學習活動單及評量測驗試題。主要研究結果如下: 1.「教學策略」與「生物科學業成就」兩種因素在學生選擇題平均分數及各類型試題平均成績的表現沒有顯著交互作用。進一步分析「生物科學業成就」對學生學習的影響,結果顯示無論是GO教學策略或TD教學策略,兩組學生在神經系統單元選擇題測驗平均成績的表現與其生物科學習能力一致;分析「教學策略」的影響發現,GO組學生在選擇題後測總平均成績及知識類型試題平均成績皆顯著優於TD組學生,顯示GO教學策略對於學生知識層次的學習表現能夠產生立即的影響效果。 2.人體圖測驗結果發現,GO組學生在名詞回憶正確性的表現顯著優於TD組學生,且在「中樞神經、周圍神經、腦、脊髓、腦神經、脊神經」這六個名詞的正確作答平均數也顯著優於TD組,顯示GO教學策略有助於學生對構造名稱進行正確記憶,並能幫助學生回憶抽象性較高的名詞。 3.樹狀圖測驗結果發現,GO組學生在「腦神經與脊神經的定義」、「脊神經、腦神經與中樞的關係」、「感覺神經與運動神經的定義」、「運動神經、感覺神經與腦神經、脊神經的關係」概念的理解都顯著優於TD組學生的表現。 4.情境推論題測驗結果發現,GO組學生應用相關概念進行積極性正確推論的平均人數顯著優於TD組學生,而TD組學生在進行問題推論時,較GO組學生容易產生錯誤的判斷。此外,GO組學生在進行問題推論題時能精確地表達概念之間的關係,顯示接受GO教學策略的學生能夠產生較為精緻的概念架構,且在概念的理解與應用的品質上有較佳的表現。


The main purpose of this study is to develop a feasible teaching strategy of graphic organizer helping students to make sense of the relationships between concepts of nervous system, and to explore the effects of this strategy on learning for junior high school students. 154 of 7th grade students from a public junior high school of Taipei City were selected as target subjects and divided randomly into two groups, one as experimental group (N=85) treated with the graphic organizer teaching strategy (abbreviated as GO group), and the other as controlled group (N=69) treated with the traditional teaching strategy (abbreviated as TD group). The investigation procedure included the pretest, instruction treatments, the posttest, structured interviews and the delayed test. The instruments of this study involved adapted reading materials, instructional medium and assessment tests. The major results of the study were as follows: 1.There’s no interaction between the variables of “the teaching strategy” and “the academic achievement in the biology subject” on the influences of multiple choice test scores. Further analysis of “the academic achievement in the biology subject” effects showed that whatever the teaching strategy was, students’ performances on the multiple choice test scores were according with their academic achievement in the biology subject. With regard to “the teaching strategy” effects, not only the average scores of the multiple choice posttest but also the average scores of knowledge aspect items of GO group students were significantly higher than those of TD group students. These findings indicated that the graphic organizer teaching strategy could make immediate influences on students’ learning of the concepts on knowledge level. 2.With regard to the recall test of nervous system illustration, it showed that the GO group students performed significantly better than TD group students on the average scores of correct recall of the terms. Besides, GO group students got significant higher scores on certain terms such as “central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, brain, spinal cord, cranial nerve and spinal nerve”. These results indicated that the graphic organizer teaching strategy could help students to memorize the terms with more correctness and to recall those terms that were on much abstract level. 3.The findings of the tree map test revealed that the GO group students performed significantly better on the realization of “the definitions of cranial nerve and spinal nerve”, “the relationships between cranial nerve, spinal nerve and brain, spinal cord”, “the definitions of sensory neuron and motor neuron”, and “the relationships between sensory neuron, motor neuron and cranial nerve, spinal nerve”. 4.The results of the context inference test showed that with regard to the application of specific concepts in making active inferences, the students of GO group got significant higher scores than those of TD group. Furthermore, some of the GO group students could express exactly the relationships of concepts when answering the questions. These findings indicated that those students accepting the graphic organizer teaching strategy might establish more elaborative frameworks of concepts and could have better performances on the quality of concepts realization and application.


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劉建言 (2010). 「文本的改寫」與「科學語言融入教學」對七年級學生學習神經系統單元的影響 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315184169
