  • 學位論文


The Investigation of Science Teacher's Professional Development in Teaching and Learning Mental Model from the basisi of Perry Scheme

指導教授 : 黃芳裕


Abstract Keywords: novice teacher, professional development of teacher,the mental models of teaching and learning Everyone is continually growing and changing. Academician Burden(1990) considers that knowing the professional development of teacher can not only provides effective consultation for teachers choosing suitable developable purpose, but also the framework of several interfered activities for teacher developed institution to improve teacher professional development. Therefore, it is important to divide the process of teacher professional development into several stages. Each stage owns its different character. Usually, the process of teacher professional development contains three stages: the pre-inaugural development stage of practice teacher, the lead-in stage of novice teacher, the advanced stage of expert teacher. When novice teacher enter workplace , will face the conflict between theory and reality. It leads the construction of teacher place to become the major purpose. However, due to the deficient competence of professional teaching, novice teacher needs immediate comment. The major purpose of this study is to explore the mental models of teaching and learning of four novice science teachers under the guidance of senior teacher. Qualitative Research is adopt in this paper and five analytic directions are involved according to Vermunt (1992,1997), which are :(1) the absorption of knowledge(2) the construction of knowledge (3) the appliance of knowledge (4) the stimulated education (5) cooperation. Finally, this research reveals six conclusions: (1) The professional development of novice teacher in real teaching place will be affected by personality, other teachers, social experience, classroom environment, and student achievement. (2)It is beneficial for the growth of mental models of teaching and learning by the induction of teaching experience from expert teacher .(3)The development of the mental model of the construction of knowledge will help teacher to adopt changefully science teaching (4)Serious student problems will affect teacher’s learning, even cause the regression of teacher professional development (5)Improve the interaction among teachers will promote the professional development of teachers(6)Teaching directed by student interests will broaden the range of teaching activities.


