  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 晏涵文


本研究主要目的在發展出以電腦多媒體教學軟體為訊息傳播媒介的教學介入,並進一步探討教學介入後,對國小五年級學生性知識、性態度、自我效能、行為意向的影響效果及學生對此教學課程的評價。 本研究採準實驗設計之『實驗組對照組前測後測設計』,以台北縣某國小五年級六個班級的學生為研究對象,總計有效學生人數為184人(實驗組91人,對照組93人)。研究工具分為兩種,包括1.前、後測成效問卷2.媒體過程評量問卷。實驗組學生接受三週的「性教育電腦多媒體輔助教學介入」,而對照組則不接受任何教學介入課程。研究對象在介入前一週均接受前測施測,後測則於教學介入後一週內進行。 所得資料以卡方檢定、配對t檢定、單因子共變數分析等進行分析,所得重要結果如下: 一、性教育教學介入後,在控制前測得分下,實驗組學生「性知識」、「性態度」、「自我效能」的後測得分高於對照組,且達統計顯著差異。 二、實驗組對此研究教學課程的評價部分,九成以上的學生表示自己於課程進行中大部分都是喜歡並認真參與的,且肯定此種上課方式。 三、實驗組對此研究教學媒體的評價部分,有將近七成的學生表示喜歡此教學光碟,九成以上的學生認為本研究所設計的教學光碟能幫助其瞭解到與性相關的生理知識、能幫助其建立更積極正向的兩性態度、能幫助其更有把握做到與異性和睦相處、自我照顧及自我保護的行為,而有高達85.7%的學生認為會依照光碟內教導的正向行為去做。 根據本研究結果,建議未來在進行國小性教育課程時,可依各校教師自主原則,利用健康與體育、彈性課程、綜合活動課程等時間進行教學,採生活化、系統性、循序漸進的方式規劃教學內容。結合衛生教育、美術設計及電腦資訊等專業人員,根據溝通說服理論來進行訊息轉換及教學媒體發展,運用社會認知理論、理性行動論及行為改變準備度量表來進行教學設計。以學生為中心,結合資訊科技、互動式的教學方式,可引發學生的學習動機,對性教育的推行必定更為有效。


The purpose of this study is to develop a Sex Education Program of Multimedia Computer Assisted Instruction as the message transmitting media and further explore the effects to the sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes, self-efficacy, behavioral intention of the five-grade elementary students, as well as their evaluations to this course. This study is designed with the standard experimental method, ‘experiment group & control group with pre-test & post-test’. The study objects are the five-grade students of 6 classes in an elementary school in Taipei County. The total effective number of students is 184 (91 in experiment group and 93 in control group). The study tools include: 1. the questionnaires for evaluating the pre-test and post-test. 2. the questionnaires for evaluating the media process. The students in the experiment group accepted ‘Sex Education Program of Multimedia Computer Assisted Instruction’, and the students in the control group did not accept any program. The study objects accepted a pre-test a week before the teaching instruction, and a post-test a week after the teaching instructions. The data were analyzed with Chi-Square Tests, Paired T-Test, and One-Way ANCOVA. The results are: 1. With the Sex Education Program, controlling the scores of the pre-test, the post-test scores of the students in experiment group for the sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes, and self-efficacy are higher than the control group, which has a significant difference in statistic. 2. For the evaluation of the Sex Education Program from the students in the experiment group, more than 90% students showed that they enjoyed and earnestly participated the most part of the course, and they approved this course. 3. For the evaluation of the Multimedia Computer Assisted Instruction from the students in the experiment group, more than 70% students like this educational disk, and more than 90% students think the disk designed by our institute is helpful for realizing the physiological knowledge related to sex and establishing the correct attitudes toward the opposite sex. The disk can help the students to get along with the opposite sex, take care of themselves, and protect themselves. 85.7% students think they will follow the positive behaviors taught in the disk. According to the study results, we suggest that teachers can independently teach the sexual education in elementary school in the future, using the healthy and physical education classes, flexible classes, and integrated activity classes and configuring the content with livelihood, systematic, and gradual ways. Educators shall work with experts specializing in such as healthy education, art design, and computer information, to develop the message transmissions and teaching media, according to the Communication-Persuasion Theory, the Social Cognitive theory, the Reasoned Action Theory, and the Readiness Scale For Behavior Change, to plan the sex education programs. It should be a more effective way to advance the sexual education by combining information technologies and interactive teaching methods to trigger students’ incentives to learn.




