  • 學位論文


The design and development of an integrated platform for analytic tools of research intelligence

指導教授 : 陳宗天 陳宗天


現今資訊的發達,我們可以透過電子索引資料庫與學術搜尋引擎取得大部分我們所要的學術資訊,節省不少人力與時間,但要如何從大量資料中去蕪存菁過濾出真正所要的資料是值得我們探討研究的。 研究智慧與商業智慧概念相同,透過自動化蒐集、萃取、分析與視覺化等技術,期望除了能幫助研究者所在之學術領域的智識結構能有所了解,還能找出其中的核心文獻,協助研究者在研究上的發展。 本研究以學術領域辨識研究等理論為基礎,提出一個研究智慧分析平台RapidAnalyzer,整合過去研究所開發之分析工具與實作流程中需依賴人工或其他軟體的部分,將整個研究智慧流程完整自動化,而且RapidAnalyzer提供一個具彈性、擴充性與輕量化的架構,讓後續開發者能輕易地進行功能增強與維護。此外亦提供簡單的使用者介面,讓使用者可輕易將大量學術資料經萃取、分析等流程,最後將學術領域智識結構以圖形視覺化呈現。研究結果顯示使用RapidAnalyzer將較過去研究使用之工具節省約78%的執行時間,且增加使用上的簡易性。 最後本研究期望研究者能透過RapidAnalyzer對於辨識學術領域結構有所幫助,並持續改進強化以提升分析的結果與效率。


Deriving and visualizing the intellectual structure from vast citation information is a time consuming task that usually involves many tools applied in varied sequences. It takes a steep learning curve and long time for a naïve user to learn these tools and their variant usages. This study designed and developed an integrated, flexible, and extensible citation information analytical platform to streamline the analysis process and ease the learning curve. The intellectual structure constructing and visualizing process can be accomplished effortlessly in one step through a unified user interface using our platform. Beside the ease of use, the platform also alleviates the mundane system maintenance task. Tools that integrated in this platform can be upgraded, removed, or added easily. This platform – RapidAnalyzer is a realization of several well-received software engineering concepts, which includes reflection, late binding, inversion of control, dependency injection, and Aspect-Oriented programming. The platform utilized several widely used open source projects, including JUNG (Java Universal Network/Graph Framework), JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding), and Spring Framework. The benefit of applying this platform can be illustrated plainly. It takes only 23% of the original time required by a skillful user to complete an intellectual structure constructing and visualizing task in a simple comparison. Learning to use the platform takes less than one tenth of time in comparison with learning various tools and systems in their previous form.


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