  • 學位論文

工作滿足和工作投入對離職傾向之研究 -- 以機電工程業管理人員為例

A Study On Job Satisfaction, Job Involvement and Turnover Intention. -- An Empirical Study on Managerment Level of Electric & Mechanical Industrial.

指導教授 : 陳銘薰


論文提要內容: 不同行業間,會有不同的行業特性,對於具有不同屬性的企業和人員,例如;企業國別,人員的性別、年齡、工作年資、婚姻狀況…等,也會產生不同的吸引力。機電工程業管理人員在工作滿足和工作投入對離職傾向間也會有關聯,其中離職傾向更攸關於組織成員的離職行為,而安定員工的心與使員工能夠有ㄧ個滿意與安心的工作環境,以專心投入工作則將能增加企業的競爭力。 機電工程業從業員工係屬於專業性產業之員工,人才屬於本行業重要資源與競爭力來源之ㄧ,員工是否能夠持續專心投入在工作上,並且發揮所長而能夠幫助組織達成目標,是影響每個企業是否能夠提昇績效的重要因素之ㄧ,而機電工程業各階管理人員為本行業各項管理工作的關鍵執行者,企業主若能針對管理人員相關人資議題持續發覺與改善,相信對企業整體工作滿足與工作投入及穩定員工有所助益。 機電建設從業管理人員對工作的滿足感受和工作投入對其離職傾向間之關係是本研究將探討的問題。本研究係以問卷調查方式,對特定機電行業從業管理人員,進行以離職傾向為依變數,對工作滿足和工作投入對離職傾向的直接,或間接關係進行探討,並以個人屬性為控制變項,進行統計分析,發現下列結論: 一、工作滿足和工作投入對離職傾向有負向影響。 二、工作滿足對工作投入有中介效果對離職傾向有負向效果。 三、個人屬性的不同在工作滿足和工作投入對離職傾向的影響有顯著差異。 透過本研究針對台灣機電工程行業中,管理人員的工作滿足和工作投入對離職傾向間之關連性研究結果,希望能作為機電產業對於人資管理面與未來其他行業研究的參考。 關鍵字:工作滿足、工作投入、離職傾向、機電工程業


ABSTRACT A study on job satisfaction, job involvement and turnover intention.- An empirical study on managerment level of electric & mechanical industrial – by Tan, Ming – Yao July,2008 ADVISOR(S): Dr. Chen, Ming - Shiun DEPARTMENT: DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MAJOR:BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DEGREE:MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Different industries have different characteristics that could have different employment attractions to individuals of different demographics such as gender, age, work seniority, and marriage status; and such characteristics could as well be related to job satisfaction, job devotion, and commitments to organizations to different extent in different industries. In addition, turnover intention to from the job is crucial to the behavior of resign of the employees in an organization. Thus, providing employees with an attractive working conditions as well as an environment to let employees feel at ease and satisfactory would have effect of enhancing the competitiveness of the enterprise. The people and managerment level staffs engaged in the E&M (Electric & Mechanical Industrial) engineering industrial are in a specialized field; they are both the key resources and foundation of competitiveness of the enterprises in this field. The accomplishments of the projects’ targets are heavily influenced by the performance of the staffs through managerment leaders that is related to how the staffs sustain continual devotion to the jobs and how they bring their talent into full play to enhance the achievements of the organizations. Examining the relationship between the job satisfaction、job involvement and turnover intention of management level of E&M (Electric & Mechanical Industrial) engineering industrial will be the subject of this study. This study focused on exploring the relationship between the turnover intention and the job satisfaction and job involvement of the management staffs of E&M (Electric & Mechanical Industrial) engineering industrial in Taiwan, expecting to provide a consultation for the management of the industry. We have the following findings: 1. Job satisfaction, and job devotion are negatively related with the intention to resign. 2. Job satisfaction has an intermediating effect on job devotion, and a negative relation with the intention to resign. 3. Individual demographic characteristics are showing differences on the effects of job satisfaction and job devotion on the intention to resign. Hopefully, the findings from this study would provide some suggestions on the human resources management field, with provide a direction for future study to other industrial. Keywords:Job satisfaction、Job involvement、Turnover intention、E&M ( Electric & Mechanical Industrial)。


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