  • 學位論文


Strategic Environmental Assessment of Taiwan's Development Policy for Science Parks

指導教授 : 李育明


科學工業園區的設置與開發所牽動的環節,不僅攸關內涵是經濟發展的工業政策,並且涉及土地使用的社會公平爭議,同時也引發高科技廠商進駐後生產製造的環境污染問題,因此科學工業園區即使在台灣的經濟發展史上,曾經擁有諸多傲人的成績,但是在永續發展的理想逐漸成為普世價值及原則的今天,政府當局已經不能再以經濟發展為唯一的手段,而應該正視科學工業園區於近年來一再重複發生衝突的背景與起因,思考借鏡歐美等先進工業國家為達到經濟、社會與環境均衡發展目標的努力。 「策略環境評估」是西方國家在高度工業發展之後,對於環境保護的一個關鍵反芻,要求政府部門在施行政策、計畫及方案時都應將環境的思考列為優先次序,尤其受到跨國或越境組織的重視,例如聯合國、歐盟及經濟合作與發展組織(OECD),分別都曾提出具體的方法、技術及指導原則等,甚至立法規定必須符合程序。在台灣,我們稱之為「政府政策環境影響評估」,也有明確規範要求納入評估的政策細項,主要以正面表列方式呈現,範圍同樣涵蓋政策面(如水資源開發政策)、計畫面(如直轄市、縣市區域計畫)及方案面(如工業區設置、高爾夫球場設置)等,整體架構大致趨於完備。 惟進一步相較於歐美「策略環境評估」的落實執行,我國則無論在啟動機制、工具應用、層疊系統及民眾參與等內容上,便顯得不足或是徒具型式化,因此本研究首先將蒐集策略環評在歐美的發展歷程、重要內涵及作業機制等文獻資料,繼而配合台灣現有科學工業園區的相關資料,說明在其規劃開發前,為何應該先有政策環評的施行,建議台灣政策環境影響評估未來改善的方向,令政策環境影響評估得順勢引導台灣科學工業園區的開發,以符合我國永續發展的理念,同時照顧更多民眾的福祉。


The Science Park’s design and development is not only related to the Industrial policy of economic development, but also involved into the social justice and fairness of land use. In the meantime, the environmental pollution produced by IT manufacture firms in Science Park, has been becoming issues. Although Science Park has made a great contribution to Taiwan economic growth, Taiwan Government should not have treated economic growth as the sole goal, as growing universal value and principle of ideal of continual development. Instead, Taiwan Government should seriously contemplate the causes of lately non-stop conflicts and consider the models in US and European industrial countries, and try to achieve the balance between social, economic and environmental developments. “Strategic Environmental Assessment” which is a crucial self-examination of environmental protection, especially for those highly industrial developed western countries, requests governments to consider and prioritize the environmental factors while setting up policy, planning and project implementation. “Strategic Environmental Assessment” is highly valued among trans-nations or trans-boundary organizations, such as UN, EU or OECD which has respectively proposed to list concrete approaches, techniques, guidelines and even legitimate procedures. In Taiwan, so called “Assessment of Impact of Governmental Environment Policy” also clearly specifies to require the detail articles of the policy which is stated in positive listings to cover all aspects, including policy, such as water resource development policy, planning such as metropolitan and regional cities planning; and projects, such as industrial zone or golf course establishment, etc. Further compared with the implementation of “Strategic Environmental Assessment” in US and Europe, Taiwan is less efficient and flexible, in terms of initiation, application, layer system and citizen’s participation. Hence, after search of the US and European “Strategic Environmental Assessment” development, contents and operation mechanism, as well as the related information of current Taiwan Science Park, the study is to explain the reasons of required environmental policy assessment before planning and development, and to recommend the future direction of improvement of Taiwan environmental policy assessment in which leads the trend of Science Park development in Taiwan to match the concept of continual development, as well as manage better welfare of people.


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